Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary? Our ancillary products complement our main product well as they promote the film using one of the female protagonists dressed in a provocative short skirt holding a gun. This captures the power of the girls in the film, something we want to be clear as we are challenging the traditional conventions of British Crime Thrillers. Usually, the boys have it all under control and there is little, if any incorporation of females contributing to the win or just winning themselves; they are often exploited through their sexuality and seen as a prize for the male characters. Our spin on that is using the girls’ sexual appeal as a mechanism for tricking the boys. As the poster is of a girl clearly being in control looking down on the camera, similar to Kill Bill, this will entice both a female and male audience; the males are lured in by the sexual appeal and the fact she appears in control and the females will be drawn to the power of the female character ‘Goldie’. The magazine cover also featuring ‘Goldie’ holding a gun pointing it straight at the camera, works together well with the poster as it captures the essence of girl power. The colour contrast of purple white and black is effective as it’s eye catching, the good looking girl will definitely grab male attention and females will like the idea of an obvious female protagonist.
EVALUATION QUESTION 2 Our unique selling point is that the females are the protagonists, using their sexuality to their advantage but not in the usual sense of trapping men in relationships. Instead, so they have the power to trick the boys quickly, easily and efficiently with their humorous charm into thinking they’re loyal workers when really they’re on a dirty quest to steal the boys strand of cocaine proving that girls have more intelligence than movie makers often make out. The tag line links into this well, being ‘the jokes on you’ it has a comedic feel reinforcing our attempt of hybrid genre. This will sell our film in the way we want it too, not giving away too much leaving audiences pondering to what the joke is also instilling an expectation of a comedic mission in the film which is what we want. Main conventions of the film that will appeal to our target audiences is the capturing scene as it is a spin in the plot, something Crime lovers enjoy as it tests the way you predict the film to go.
EVALUATION QUESTION 2 Being a British, Indie Crime film we want our target audience to be similar to that of the Guy Ritchie films as most of our research is based around his films in particular ‘Snatch’ and ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’. Therefore, the target audience will be of an age ranging from eighteen and upwards due to the drug content, due to our marketing technique of ‘word-of-the-mouth’ and social media our target audience will be users of social media and have a love for British Indie films. However, the audience varies from that of Ritchie’s as our film is directed at females also being a postmodern film creating a more equal balance between the genders of who typically will watch Crime films this being a mechanism for attracting the widest audience possible. The fact we want to attract both genders and display females in a positive light links into our choice to release the film just before Valentines day so it suits couples. As I mentioned before we are classifying the film as an 18 certificate due to the drug usage.
EVALUATION QUESTION 2 Our film poster is effective at promoting our film as in the centre we have one of the main female protagonists standing with a gun, representing her power and lack of fear; attracting our target audience well as females can see straight away that a female is being shown in a powerful position and males spot the good- looks of the female and are interested by the challenged convention of male protagonists. It’s clear through the obvious gun in Goldie’s hand that the genre is crime, the unique selling point is also obvious as we have a girl looking powerful and through our tagline of ‘the jokes on you’ it’s showing how humour’s incorporated and the cunning humour of the character on the poster. The humour content is also clear through the font style of the tagline on the poster, being in a comic book style. Situated at the top of the poster above the main characters head, in big, bold and black will attract audiences. Our posters will be up wherever we can put them up: in town, pubs, shops, cafes.
EVALUATION QUESTION 2 Our promotional products will work together effectively as the colours are striking on both ancillary products. The poster and magazine cover have goldie holding a gun looking powerful, relating to our unique selling point of female protagonists. Also relating back to our marketing film as alongside this we are using social media as a platform giving the film a hash tag: ‘the jokes on you’, this relates to twitter which will then have links to the facebook page meaning many eyes will see information about the film as well as hopefully seeing the poster in many different places. Using empire as our film magazine this will draw in a wider audience, with the collaboration with the Baftas 2015 the theme of colour being silver tying in with our choice to match this with the title of the magazine.