Advanced Next gEneration Mobile Open NEtwork Tridentcom 2008 4th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Advanced Next gEneration Mobile Open NEtwork Tridentcom th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities How to use the ANEMONE Testbed 18 th March, 2008 Szabolcs Nováczki Gábor Jeney

2 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium Outline

3 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium

4 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium How much does it cost? IST-ANEMONE is funded by EC under IST FP6 development of the testbed has been already paid no additional reimbursement is allowed i. e. the testbed is free of charge The usage of the ANEMONE hardware and software components is free of charge prior knowledge or research that has been performed outside the ANEMONE project can be subject to payment the effort required from ANEMONE to integrate a third party experiment is part of the dissemination activity => also free It costs you nothing – why not using it???

5 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium

6 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium First steps – if you want to do an experiment When a third party wishes to use the ANEMONE testbed Give the name and accessibility of your contact person Send a formal request to the ANEMONE consortium by mail via the Anemone website ( Provide a documentation that fully describes the objectives the requirements of the third party experiment which part(s) of the ANEMONE testbed are used and how The decision from the consortium and from the European Commission is based on the above mentioned document some additional public information

7 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium The decision process The decision from the ANEMONE consortium based on the proposal document described above officially provided by the ANEMONE coordinator does not exceed 35 working days 35 days is the worst case situation In normal circumstances it should be less than two weeks The decision is binary (accept, reject)‏ no negotiation is allowed The positive decision requires every consortium partner to vote accept one partner against = reject

8 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium Support and liability ANEMONE tries to eliminate the risk of, but takes no liability for the following testbed failure quality of service provided to meet user needs potential damages occurring during the experiment By providing access to its testbed, ANEMONE consortium does not require the outcome of the experiment (results, etc.)‏ the experiment benefits from material (documentation, Howtos…) and from support ANEMONE can stop an experiment at any time. the ANEMONE coordinator sends a mail to the representative the time to leave the ANEMONE testbed will be negotiated the reason why an experiment was stopped is provided within one month. This is not arguable

9 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium What we ask from you – reporting The third party should inform the ANEMONE consortium about its usage of the testbed at any time If the third party experiment is published the abstract or an electronic copy of the publication (depending on copyright)‏ has to be sent to the ANEMONE coordinator may be published on the ANEMONE website Once a third party experiment is over, the third party must provide a summary document about the study and the results an abstract of this summary may be published on the ANEMONE website The third party may be requested to provide other outputs are decided case by case may be subject to negotiation before the experiment

10 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium Some more gentle things – promotion and feedback The following must be referenced in all communications the IST-ANEMONE project the ANEMONE testbed the European Commission Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) / IST (Information Society Technologies) We need feedback to improve the testbed you are required to provide feedback on the ANEMONE testbed usage during experiment if a security hole is discovered, you should immediately contact ANEMONE Forms are provided by ANEMONE

11 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium Confidentiality A third party experiment may have knowledge of confidential information on the testbed (e.g. architecture details) It is the responsibility of the third party to keep this information secret unless explicitly allowed by the ANEMONE representative All information not explicitly declared as public are confidential In particular, if a security hole is discovered the third party must keep this info secret and inform the ANEMONE representative Any ANEMONE partner that have access to confidential information about a hosted third party commits on not sharing this information To cover these aspects and to enforce the mutual respect of confidentiality, a complementary Non Disclosure Agreement will be signed by the ANEMONE partners and the third party

12 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium

13 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium How to connect? – Technical issues You have two options Visit one of the places where the ANEMONE testbed is accessible (Budapest, Monreale, Oulu, Rennes)‏ You do not have to travel – connect via the Internet If you have native IPv6 connectivity using IPv6 over IPv6 tunnels If you do not have IPv6 connectivity using IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels

14 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium

15 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium Where to apply? – Contact point If you want an experiment, consult one of the followings The ANEMONE website The ANEMONE coordinator, Eric Robert One of the partners you know (we can forward your application)‏

16 ANEMONE Demonstration – Tridentcom 2008 – March , © ANEMONE consortium Thank you for your attention!