The Art of Ancient Greece c BCE
Geometric c. 750 BCE
Geometric amphora, two handled storage jar, 8 th Century BCE; From Dipylon
Orientalizing c. 650 BCE
Polyphemos Painter, amphora BCE Orientalizing Style
Archaic Style (from the Greek word archaios, meaning “old”) (c. 550 BCE)
Priam Painter, Priam Painter, Women at a Fountain House, c BCE.
Panathenaic Amphora with Runners, c. 520 BCE, Attributed to Euphiletos painter.
Exekias, amphora Achilles and Ajax playing a Board Game BCE Archaic Style
Exekias, amphora Achilles and Penthesilea 525 BCE Archaic Period
Euphronios (painter) and Euxsitheos (potter), Death of Sarpedon during the Trojan War, c. 515 BCE, From an Italian grave.
Detail of the Death of Sarpedon during the Trojan War, c.500 BCE
Severe or Early Classical Style (c.480 BCE)
Berlin Painter, bell krater, showing the Abduction of Europa by Zeus 490 BCE.
New Style, what differences to you see?
Penthesilea Painter, cup interior showing Achilles and Penthesilea 455 BCE Late Archaic Classical
Death of the Children of Niobe, Niobid Painter, c BCE
Classical to Late Classical Style (c BCE)
Reed Painter, Warrior by a Grave ( c.410 BCE) Classical period
Hellenistic Period (c.250 BCE)
Battle of Issus, from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Also known as “Alexander Mosaic,” First Century CE Roman copy from the Hellenistic period in Greece
Alexander the Great
Persian King Darius, from…
Sculpture Orientalizing Style: Seventh Century BCE
Terrace of the Lions, Delos, Italy, 7 th Century BCE
Sculpture, Archaic Style c BCE Note: Refer to your sculpture hand out
New York Kouros from Attica (c. 600 BCE) Archaic Sculpture period
Peplos Kore 530 BCE) Archaic period
Early Classical Style Sculpture c BCE Classical Style c BCE
The Kritios Boy, from the Acropolis 480 BCE Early Classical Style
Poseidon/Zeus, found in the sea off Cape Artemision 450 BCE) Early Classical Period
Myron, Diskobolos, (Disk Thrower), BCE Early Classical
Warrior from Riaci (c. 450 BCE) Early Classical Style
Polykleitos, Doryphoras (Spear Bearer) 440 BCE) Classical style
Attributed to Polykleitos, Wounded Amazon, c. 430 BCE) Classical Style Why is this Attributed to Polykleitos? c. 430 BCE) Classical Style
Stele of Hegeso, ( c BCE) Classical Style
The Development Of Ancient Greek Architecture and Architectural Sculpture Archaic Style c BCE
View of Apollo’s Temple at Corinth, (c. 500 BCE) Archaic architecture, Early Doric
What are the two orders Represented here? The Parthenon- Temple of Athena Nike
Seated gods from the Ionic Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury, BCE Archaic style, Ionic
Apollo with Lapith and Centaur, center of the west Pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia BCE
Two short films about the Parthenon on.htm es/ancient_greece_and_rome/room_18_greec e_parthenon_scu.aspx
The Parthenon, Athens Designed by architects Iktinos and Kallikrates in 448 BCE. Phidias, supervised the sculptures BCE, Classical Style, Doric Order
Lapith and Centaur, from the south metope XXVII of the Parthenon, 432 BCE Classical Period
Equestrian Group from the north Ionic frieze of the Parthenon, c BCE, Classical style
Temple of Athena Nike from the east, Acropolis, Athens Temple of Athena Nike from the east, Acropolis, Athens, BCE Classical Style Ionic Order
Nike Adjusting Her Sandal, from the balustrade of the temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis BCE, Classical period
The caryatid porch of the Erechtheum, south side, Acropolis, Greece, BCE, Classical Period, Doric Order
Theatre at Epidauros, (c. 350 BCE) Late Classical Style
Late Classical Style Sculpture 4 th Century BCE
Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knido, (c. 350 BCE) Late Classical Style Sculpture
Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (Athlete with a Strigil), A Roman copy of the bronze original, c. 320 BCE Hellenistic Style
Attic Grave Stele, from near Athens. (c BCE) Late Classical period
Hellenistic Sculpture ( BCE)
Winged Nike (Winged Victory) From Samothrace, (c. 190 BCE) Hellenistic period
Aphrodite at Melos (also called Venus de Milo), (c BCE) Hellenistic Style Revival style of the sensual female from Praxiteles during the Classical Period
Boxer, Late 2 nd to early 1 st Century Hellenistic Period
Laocoön and His Two Sons, 1 st century CE Laocoön and his son. Roman copy of a Hellenistic statue adds a son on the left,
Great Altar of Zeus, west front reconstructed and restored, from Pergamon, 180 BCE, Hellenistic
Athena Battling with Alkyoneus, from the great frieze of the Pergamon altar, East Section, c. 180 BCE, Hellenistic period
Summary of Greek Style Techniques: Vase painting Geometric (c BCE) Orientalizing (c BCE) Black-Figure (c BCE) Red-Figure (c BCE) White-ground (begins c. 420 BCE) Monumental Sculpture Orientalizing (c BCE) Archaic (c BCE) Early Classical (c BCE) High Classical (c BCE) Late Classical (c BCE) Hellenistic (c BCE)