Protestant Reformation By Kevin Magee, and Cody Phillippe 4 life <3
People were upset with the churches power, because they thought it was corrupt. In 1517, Martin Luther began to criticize the power of the pope and Roman Catholic Church. People were upset with the way the Church was raising money. The Pope hired a German named Tetzel, to perform all the unholy tasks for the church. People started to believe that there was more then one religion to believe in. Revenge was sought upon the church for performing unholy tasks, and people broke away drastically from the Church. Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, in He was a monk who criticized the corruption of the Church. He was the main influence of the Protestant Reformation Luther was tried and excommunicated due to his rebellion on the Church. Luther had many supporters in Germany who saved his life by hiding him in a castle. Luther’s reasoning for this was that the pope was raising money instead of helping people find religion. Protestant Reformation
95 Theses The 95 theses were written by Martin Luther. They were a obvious criticism of indulgences. The pamphlet was written in Latin and was not released to the general public but was pinned to the church door for other scholars to read and discuss This contained 95 reasons that he felt should Martin Luther argued against the church. Someone took down the pamphlet and copies it and gave it to the general public in Wittenberg, which caused the church to outrage. Protestant Reformation
Printing of the Bible The bible was the first mass produced book. The bible was printed by Gutenberg, who also invented the printing press. This allowed new people to learn the readings of the bible This bible was written in vernacular, which was everyday language The bible brought new beliefs into religion which normally you could only get from the church The bible was originally in Latin, but since it has been changed other religions. Protestant Reformation
Calvinism John Calvin was born in 1509 and was the son of a lawyer. He was born in France He studied law and was pressured by his father, but when he father died he studied religon. The same year year his father died, he studied greek He became an admirer of Erasmus when certain conversion took him into his studies He though he was gods chosen instrument to the spiritual regeneration of the world Protestant Reformation
The Church of England The english believed in marriage for life They did not support divorce and both sides of the family had to agree This church was among the churches that broke from the church of Rome The settlement of 1689 was the basis of the constitutional position of the church of England The history if the church of England from the 18 th century and on has been made better by the coexsistince of the Evangelical, the catholic and the liberal branches Protestant Reformation
The Counter-reformation The catholic church was aware of the reformation The catholic church had released its own series of reforms that balanced real reform with reaction to Protestantism Many aspects of this movement were genuine reforms Before Luther, there were widespread impulses for reforms in the church The counter reformation was the churches battle back against the protestant reformation Protestant Reformation
The Council of Trent The council of Trent played an important part in determine the outcome of the reformation The council of Trent was a central feature of the counter reformation Any long term change depended of the attituded of the pope in power There were 25 sessions in the council of Trent Protestant Reformation