University of Glasgow Major Capital Projects Project Governance Gateway Process
Strategic Capital Projects - Governance and Project Management Structure What is a project? A project is a unique set of co-ordinated activities, with definite starting and finishing points, undertaken by an individual or team to meet specific objectives within defined time, cost and performance parameters as specified in the business case. It should have the following characteristics: a finite and defined lifespan defined and measurable business products (that is, deliverables and/or outcomes to meet specific business objectives) a corresponding set of activities to achieve the business products a defined amount of resources an organisation structure, with defined responsibilities, to manage the project. Projects should contribute to business objectives; typically their funding is identified as part of business planning. They may be part of an overall programme of business change. What is project management? Project management is much more than the tasks carried out by a project manager. Project management is a combination of the roles and responsibilities of individuals assigned to the project, the organisational structure that sets out clear reporting arrangements and the set of processes to deliver the required outcome. It ensures that everyone involved knows what is expected of them and helps to keep cost, time and risk under control.
Why use project management? Experience has shown that projects are inherently at risk - through overrunning on time and cost and/or failing to deliver a successful outcome. Such failures are almost invariably caused by: poor project definition by the project's owner, perhaps because of insufficient consultation with stakeholders or their failure to be specific about requirements and desired outcomes lack of ownership and personal accountability by senior management inadequately skilled and experienced project personnel inadequate reporting arrangements and decision-making inconsistent understanding of required project activities, roles and responsibilities. Critical success factors : a well-defined scope and agreed understanding of intended outcome active management of risks, issues and timely decision-making supported by clear and short lines of reporting ongoing commitment and support from senior management a senior individual with personal accountability and overall responsibility for the successful outcome of the project an appropriately trained and experienced project team and in particular a project manager whose capabilities match the complexity of the project defined and visibly managed processes that are appropriate or the scale and complexity of the project.
Gateways Gateway 0 – Strategic Proposal Grounded in University Strategic Plan Gateway 1 – Options Appraisal identification of preferred option Gateway 2 – Fully Developed Business Case including financial model Gateway 3 - Clear Procurement route and major project risks managed Detailed Design description Gateway 4 – Tenders received High level of Cost Certainty Gateway 5 – Post Occupancy Evaluation
University of Glasgow – Committee Structure Gateway 0 – Capex Application for design fees, Estates, Finance Committee & Court Gateway 1 – Presented to Project Board Gateway 2 – Capex Application for Capital Funding, Estates, Finance Committee & Court Gateway 3 - Presented to Project Board Gateway 4 – Presented to Project Board Gateway 5 – Presented to Project Board
University of Glasgow Senior Responsible Owner (SMG Member) Convener of Board Project Director College Project Group College Consultation Group Estates & Buildings Project Managers Design Team Contractor University of Glasgow Project Board Project Board - Typical Structure
The Project : ( name of investment) Sponsoring Group (Investment Decision Maker) The Sponsoring Group should include senior managers who are responsible for the Investment decision, Defining the direction of the business, Ensuring ongoing overall alignment of the programme to the strategic direction of the organisation Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) (Project Owner) The SRO is ultimately accountable for the project, ensuring that it meets its objectives and realises the expected benefits. The individual who fulfils this role should be able to lead the Project Board and must be empowered to direct the project and take decisions Project Board Established by the SRO (and often coming into existence out of the approval of the Project Mandate, or possibly the Project Brief), the prime purpose of the Project Board will be to drive the project forward and deliver the outcomes and benefits. Members will provide resource and specific commitment to support the SRO, who is accountable for the successful delivery of the programme.
Design Team and Contractors This is an externally appointed group of companies employed as specialists in order to design and deliver the new building. No appointments to date Training Recommendation One day training sessions as follows: Morning session to provide the SRO with a full scope of their responsibilities. Attended by the SRO, Project Board Clerk and Project Director as a minimum Afternoon Session to provide an overview of the project and a scope of the responsibilities of the Project Board. Attended by the Project Board, EDTM, PM and QS. Funded by the Project Arranged by Estates and Buildings Office
Lessons Learned OBC to FBC approx 12 months – further months to delivery on site Expensive process - £ 500,000 - £ 800,000 to Stage D Managing Stakeholders expectations and ambitions can challenging Can divert management time away from core business of management, teaching and research for long periods Senior Responsible Owner should be a SMG member
Q & As