Image: An undergraduate technology student from Education Faculty with S2 pupils at a workshop on semiconductor technology A new scheme for session in the Faculty of Biological Sciences A new course will be offered developing from current practice Students will be linked to schools in Glasgow A UAS school network is developing in collaboration with Glasgow Education Advisers Teacher mentors will be identified for each student Students will work on projects jointly developed between Glasgow University and Glasgow Education Department Projects will focus on the Curriculum for Excellence. The new course will use the existing learning community structure to develop sustainable partnerships with clusters of primary and secondary schools An Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme for the University of Glasgow Jane Magill*, Steve Brindley +, Vic Lally + *The Robert Clark Centre for Technological Education * + The Interdisciplinary Centre for Research and Teaching in STEM Education *Contact: , Learning from current work Current UAS courses in the Departments of Computing Science and Maths Computing science students usually return to their own school Computing science students have a specific workshop task to prepare Maths students must go to a new school Maths students have an open-ended brief Student impressions All students are very positive about their experience All students enjoyed sharing their experiences and knowledge with pupils Many are enthusiastic about and/or considering a career in teaching All students report greater confidence in public speaking and presenting.. I have decided to follow a career in teaching and have applied for next year. It was great for building confidence in general presentation skills and for developing those kinds of skills that could be used in any career…. I learned to ask better questions! Having done the UAS I have changed the way I prepared for my own exams…. Introduction The project is establishing an inter-faculty network for the development and delivery of the Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme (UAS). This will be open to all students in Science, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) departments with opportunities across the whole University. The UAS will support students to work in local schools during their studies, where they will gain valuable inter-personal and life skills, as well as enhancing their life choices and employability. Students will act as ambassadors for the University through their contribution to learning and teaching in schools, enhancing its impact and visibility within the local community. The UAS course structure UAS is offered as an alternative to University based project and/or course work, which usually takes place in years 3 or 4. There are two linked components in the UAS; 1. Credit bearing taught modules to prepare students for school placements including; Effective science communication and public engagement Communication and presentation skills Working with schools and the curriculum 2. A supported school placement during which each student will develop and present a piece of work relevant to their discipline in collaboration with a class teacher. The precise nature of each component is tailored to meet the needs of individual departments for accreditation assessment, timetabling, relation to other courses, etc. The project is establishing sustainable structure allowing the scheme to run continuously in STEM departments following the pilot. It will also provide an assessment of the feasibility, of offering such a scheme across all Faculties in the University. Acknowledgements: The project team wishes to thanks colleagues who have shared their ideas and helped to develop the new UAS scheme: Computing Science: Quintin Cutts Maths: Pete Kropholler, Alastair Craw Biological sciences: Rob Aitken T&L: Jane Weir and the Aiming University Learning at Work team Glasgow City Council: Hilda Quail, Primary Science and Technology Adviser The UK Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme (UAS) provides the framework for a degree course module awarding academic credit to science, technology, engineering and maths undergraduates working with teachers in local schools. UAS is operated on a not-for-profit basis by a company, Undergraduate Ambassadors Limited (