Status of Maraton problem Niko Neufeld Calo Commissioning meeting
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 2 The problem When using the Ethernet access to the RCM
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 3 Setup RCM Rectifier Maraton USB Ethernet Crate 1 or LV 1 Crate 2 or LV 2
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 4 Software Stacks SNMP/UDP/IP/Ethernet OPC Server PVSSscript OPC Client (PVSS00opc) USB MuHsE HTTP/Ethernet webbrowser
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 5 The Problem When using PVSS panels a command to the Maraton will “grey” the button, the panel is then blocked When this happens the following can cure the problem: 1.kill the OPC server (restart the PVSS panel) - sometimes 2.kill the OPC server and re-register it - sometimes 3.reset (= powercycle) the RCM - sometimes (this does not seem to work for the Inner Tracker only) 4.reset the RCM and power-cycle the rectifier - always (this is done only by the Inner Tracker)
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 6 Facts When 3.) or 4.) happens the web-interface still works and shows that the last command has been ignored –--> the RCM has not crashed When 3.) or 4.) happens the Muhse tool shows read- errors and it is impossible to send commands –--> the command processor loop (or whatever it is) in the RCM is stuck When the Muhse tool alone is used, no problem has shown up anywhere ever In the Calo at least the problem has been observed on many RCMs in uncorrelated circumstances
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 7 Who has seen / has not the problem The Calorimeter –frequently in the Pit –never in the test-setup in 157 The RICH –occasionally in the Pit The IT –frequently in there test-setup in Bat 13 IT/CO –cannot reproduce this on their (single RCM) test-stand The other LHC experiments –but it is not clear how often this has actually been used
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 8 Sad facts Until today I have been incapable of reproducing the problem –torture script in 156 –letting the voltage on for a long time
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 9 Speculation / Further tests Does the size of the system matter? –probably not so much CALO >>> IT (lab) Does the OPC configuration matter? –not clear - should test this Does the LAN matter? –IT uses CERN general purpose network (not so clean) –CALO uses LHCb network on a CALO private VLAN - should be reasonably clean –--> could try a totally private network (between computer and RCMs only)
Niko Neufeld CERN, PH 10 Checklist for the future When the problem occurs, please –note the time, what was the last action you tried, the name of the RCM, what was needed to cure it, if it is not always the same also copy the OPC configuration –if you can inform me (Niko) - in that case do not try to cure it yet