TEACHER INTRODUCING LESSON INTRODUCING Md.Mofizur Rahman Assist. Teacher. Kamar Ali khan high school. Md.Mofizur Rahman Assist. Teacher. Kamar Ali khan high school. Sub: English-1st Unit-3 Lesson-5 Time-50 minutes Date-17/04/2014 paper Sub: English-1st Unit-3 Lesson-5 Time-50 minutes Date-17/04/2014 paper
Lesson announcing National memorial Objectives:
National Martyrs’ Memorialsymbolises the valour and sacrifice of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of Bangladesh
Most prominently visible is the 150 feet tower that stands on a base measuring 130 feet wide. There is actually a series of 7 towers that rise by stages to a height of 150 feet. The tower tapers upwards on seven symmetrical triangles signifying the seven stages of the national movement that junction rectifier to the independence of the country Most prominently visible is the 150 feet tower that stands on a base measuring 130 feet wide. There is actually a series of 7 towers that rise by stages to a height of 150 feet. The tower tapers upwards on seven symmetrical triangles signifying the seven stages of the national movement that junction rectifier to the independence of the country
The muse stone of the monument was arranged at Savar on 16 December, 1972 by Sheik Mujibur Rhaman The muse stone of the monument was arranged at Savar on 16 December, 1972 by Sheik Mujibur Rhaman
Designed by architect Moinul Hossain.
Total area land of this compound is thirty four hectares (84 acres) with a close buffer zone of further ten hectares (24 acres) inexperienced belt of planted bushes and trees
During the celebration
HOME WORK Write a paragraph on national memorial Summaries the passage in five sentence