Genres in Literature Memoirs Science Fiction Realistic Fiction Traditional Literature Historical Fiction Biography Autobiography Informational Fantasy Use this button on each page to link directly to Destiny By Amy Madzinski
Traditional Literature Stories that are passed down through storytelling throughout history. Examples are folktales, (including fairy tales), myths, and legends.
Fantasy A fiction story that is unrealistic or has unworldly elements.
Science Fiction A special division of fantasy that is based on scientific principles.
Realistic Fiction It’s a made up story, but it is true to life. It usually focuses on problems that anyone could face.
Historical Fiction The writer imagines this story and is true to life, but it takes place in a time period in the past.
Informational This type of book provides ideas and facts that are related to the world.
Biographies A story about a person’s life. It is written by someone who is not that person.
Autobiography A story about someone’s life, written by that person.
Memoir A story about a certain event in a person’s life that he/she remembers and writes about.