Your initial written contact with an employer
* Your initial written contact with your employer
* Education * Work or Volunteer Experience * Achievements * Activities * Skills
* Cotton Paper? * Action Words – past tense verbs, usually ending in ed * Managed, organized, sold, created, wrote * Key Words – use the employer’s words * Uniform Spaces * Peer Editing * Y4 Y4
* Education * Crawford Invention Design Educational Academy– San Diego, CA * Sept to Present * Work or Volunteer Experience * Chollas Park Clean Up, Saturday September 24, 2010 * Volunteer, cleared trash from creek * Habitat for Humanity, 2010-Present * Volunteer, build houses for families who need them * Achievements * Earned a place on the principal’s honor roll, honored with fastest and most accurate keyboarding award for 2010 * Activities * Blank club, September 2010 to Present * Managed activities for the blank club * Skills * Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash * Design and marketing for print, mobile and web technologies
* S:\IDEA\Cascia\GraphicDesign
* You will either earn 100 points on your resume or 0 * However, you can turn it in until it is completely correct = 100 pts * A resume that has mistakes will NOT get you the job
* Your resume will count as your learning reflection for this class * However, you must include all the skills you have learned in your list of skills * Further, I want to hear your opinion regarding ways to improve the class, so me any suggestions that you have including suggestions for new projects