Treasurer’s report Dr Nick Scriven
Credits DD subs £56090 MRCP(UK) £13912 Others £2900 Starting balance - £ End balance- £46432 Debits RILA £22373 RCPE (admin/wages) £24598 RESEARCH £6183 (inc survey monkey £183) WEBSITE redesign £2340 hosting/maintenance £ /month EXPENSES council £2170 Non council £80 EFIM £1527 Promotional material ~£1400 Subscription repayments £1125 Insurances £996 Bank charges etc £819
SCE Financial Statement
SCE YearSurplus/deficit 2007-£6, £9, £14, £6, £3, £8, £13, Total-£4,797.75
Conference/Eventage Financial report
SAMGlasgow October 2013 Funds going forward to SAMGlasgow with Comms Costs Deducted £15, Total SAMGlasgow Delegate Income inclusive of VAT £174, VAT Component of SAMGlasgow Delegate Income £29, SAMGlasgow Sponsorship Income Paid to Eventage net of VAT £27, Total income (including carried forward funds from SAMDublin, sponsorship & net delegate fee income) £188, SAMGlasgow Expenditure net of VAT for all costs apart from Event Management Fees£162, Profit carried forward from SAMGlasgow carried forward £25, Fees Outstanding £2,135.00
SAMsterDAM May 2014 Funds going forward to SAMGlasgow with Comms Costs Deducted£25, Total SAMsterDAM Delegate Income inclusive of VAT £112, VAT Component of SAMsterDAM Delegate Income £18, Net Delegate Fee Income for SAMsterDAM £93, Total income (including carried forward profit from SAMGlasgow & net delegate fee income) £119, SAMsterDAM Expenditure net of VAT for all apart from Event Management Fees£102, Profit carried forward from SAMsterDAM£17, TOTAL Comms Salary & Expense Costs (period July 2013 to June 2014) £8, Funds going forward to SAMBrighton with Comms Costs Deducted£8, Fees Outstanding£3,703.00
SAMsterDAM 2014 Expenditure Item 2014 Delegate Registration Costs: all net of VAT Development of Web Based Registration pages £ Abstract Management Costs x £3 £ On-Line Registration Costs for SAM Conferences including Credit Card Transaction Costs (3.75% of Fees) = 379 registered delegates/25 cancellations £5, Marketing Costs - eNews via Mail Chimp costs £ Postage - Delegate Conference badges £ TOTAL: £6, Venue Costs: Incl VAT Venue Costs: Novotel Amsterdam including AV & Poster Boards £72, Faculty Dinner £1, Event Insurance £1, TOTAL: £75, Delegate Materials: SAM All net of VAT Delegate Material Production Costs £1, Delegate Badges £ Allowance for administrative sundries - e.g. paper, ink cartridges, copying, printing, envelopes, card, materials etc. £ TOTAL: £2, Speaker Costs: Speaker Travel £5, TOTAL £5, Event Management Costs: Incl VAT Eventage Management Fee - 18 Days billed incl. VAT £10, Eventage Staff Accommodation incl VAT £ TOTAL( inclusive of VAT) £11, GRAND TOTAL incl. VAT on Event Management Costs £102,615.93
Other matters SAM now registered as charity by HMRC We now have 0 employees Admin costs paid via RCPE Communications costs paid via Eventage