Pet Care
Different Pets Food for the Specific Pet Care Needed for the Specific Pet Living Space for the Specific Pet Exercise Needed for the Specific Pet
Different Pets to be Used Cat Dog Bird
Cats Food: Dry or Wet Cat Food Care: Annual Trips to the Vet, Potty Training, Grooming, Lots of Love and Attention Living Space: Space for Playing, Eating, and Sleeping Exercise: Play Everyday
Birds Food: Bird Food Care: Annual Trips to the Vet, Grooming, Lots of Love and Attention Living Space: Bird Cage Exercise: Space to Move and Fly Around in Cage Everyday
Dogs Food: Wet or Dry Dog Food Care: Annual Trips to the Vet, Potty Training, Grooming, Lots of Love and Attention Living Space: Space for Playing, Eating, and Sleeping Exercise: Play Everyday
Activities Choose One to Complete Using magazines and newspapers, make a collage of different pets Write a funny story about your pet or a made up pet (can be real or made up) Draw a picture of any pet you like