with Ms. G.
Welcome to Spanish class. After the first day or so of administrative tasks, we will be conducting as much of our daily activities in Spanish as possible. We have a class set of textbooks for Spanish II (and workbooks for SPAN 162). Please do not write in them and do NOT take them home. The other classes will have text books assigned to individual students. If you do not have your own book, the information you need will be provided to you on the class website or I will copy it for you if you give me time to prepare.
Be respectful to everyone who enters this room. This includes not only the teacher and your fellow classmates, but also anyone who visits this room. Follow the rules. This means that you must follow all school rules and specific classroom rules. Give your best effort. Learning takes place when you give your best effort every day. Let’s challenge ourselves and have fun while we learn new skills and information.
Come to class prepared to take notes EVERY DAY. Bring something to write with every day. (My name is Ms. G., not Ms. Office Max.)
The administration is paying close attention to dress code this year. PLEASE: Make sure that you are in dress code. The teachers are obligated to report violations each hour, with a strong emphasis given to their first hour classes. Please comply with dress code to make life easier for everyone, especially for me. A happy teacher means happy students.
When I’m talking, you’re not. I need your full attention to make sure that you are grasping the concepts that we are covering in class. If you are talking over me you are not only disrupting my presentation, you are disturbing your fellow classmates. In plain talk, it’s not helpful and it makes me crabby, especially because it is hard for me to hear when many people talk at the same time.
Most of us may need a gentle reminder to stop talking or to pay attention every once in a while. However, I believe that once should be sufficient.
Do not put anything on my desk without my express permission. Do not touch anything on my desk or sit in my chair, either! 1.)I am teaching three (3) different classes this year. It will be a challenge for me to keep things organized. If you put something on my desk and and I lose it because I was not aware that you put it there, that is your problem, not mine. 2.) I don’t go through your personal stuff. Please keep your hands off of mine. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
No food, drinks, gum or other comestibles in class. Do not bring food or drinks into the class. I will not only make you throw your food and drinks away, I will write you up. (If it is wrapped chocolate, I will simply confiscate it! This makes me popular in the teacher’s lounge since I share.) If I see or hear your gum, I will make you spit it out. If I see you put it anywhere but in the trash (such as under a desk) there will be serious consequences. (Note: You will see me drink water in class. I do have a medical note authorizing me to do so.)
1.) disrespect and/or insubordination 2.) inappropriate touching (fighting, horseplay, inappropriate touching, sexual harassment, etc.) 3.) name calling 4.) touching the thermostat (and making it too hot in here) Respect yourselves and each other.
For many reasons (I won’t go into them here…TMI…) I tend to be very WARM all the time. If you turn up the thermostat, I will turn it back down and write you up for a Saturday detention. If you tend to get cold easily, I strongly suggest that you bring your ATA sweatshirt to class. (If you do not have one, please make arrangements to obtain one since dress code will be enforced.)
Grooming. We’re in a classroom, not a hair salon. If I see picks, combs, brushes, or other grooming items, make-up, mirrors, etc., I will confiscate them. Please: Do bathroom stuff in the bathroom. (Exception: contact lens emergencies.)
Frivolous Interruptions Please don’t interrupt me in the middle of a an explanation to ask to go to the bathroom. (I’ll say no.) Don’t sharpen your pencil or get up to throw something away while I am in the middle of teaching something to the entire class. It’s disruptive to my train of thought. (It’s also impolite.) **Don’t interrupt any presenter.**
I did not always walk with a cane. I fell on the ice last February and broke my big toe in five places and dislocated it.
I am probably going to have my second surgery in December to remove the plate and four screws from my foot. Hardward to be removed.
Last name, first name hour Home address line 1 Home address line 2 Home phone number or cell number (parent/guardian) (parent/guardian) Student (school account, if known) Birthday Interests, clubs, etc. Other