Parent Night 2009 Wednesday September 30, 2009 Start at 7:00pm
Welcome We would like to welcome to our home!
Crestwood Drama Club The Crestwood High-school Drama Club strives to create a safe, educational and creative environment for all members interested in the arts. By teaching and participating in all aspects of the theatre, our organization strives to appreciate the many attributes of the theatre. We strive to allow students to express themselves creatively and grow as a member of the club while being a part of a close knit group. Our organization strives to give back to the community through performing, fundraising, and supporting the arts in our area.
Club Executive Board Cayla Kolbusz, Director Nick Beaven, Business Director Laura Conte, Artistic Director Ryan Wisnewski, Technical Director Steve Haase, Master Builder Nicki Wrobleski, House Manager Gary Clayton, Choreographer Robbie Walega, Set Building Asst.
Drama Club Officers Diana Smoltz, President Ali Bazzi, Vice President Samantha Hales, Secretary Molly Jezske, Treasurer Melina Sibinovski, Stage Manager Jad Alame, Clerk
Most information can be found in the production packet that was given to your student.
General Rule Highlights No member can leave after a performance until the Director gives the all clear and all costumes and props are put back. Dress Rehearsal is mandatory for all members. Failure to attend the entire time will result in you getting removed from the production. Conflicts must be submitted using VSM. Additional Rules Located in the Production Packet
What We Do Fall Musical Crestwood Talent Show Student Showcase Spring Straight Play
Drama Gives Back We not only instill the theatrical teachings in your student but also the sense of giving back. We will always have a charity fundraiser during performances. Also throughout the year we will have opportunities for your student to volunteer and give back to the community. Have an idea or question contact Nick Beaven, Business Director.
International Thespian Society We belong to this international organization of theatrical organizations. We are troupe #7737 Members who have been in for one year have the option of joining for a $25 induction fee. Thespian Festival
Dearborn Area Theatre Association We belong to a local organization called DATA. They focus on theatre education and promoting healthy theatrical competition. Many other adult/community groups but other scholastic groups include: DCHS, DHS, and EFHS. They host the PAGE Awards. We have won multiple awards.
Financial Commitment General Membership Fee $10.00***** General T-shirt Fee $15.00 Production T-shirt Fee $15.00 Production Ads $20.00 Make-up Kit Fee $15.00 **** (Actors) Tap Shoes/Misc. Costume and Props needs
Program ADs Each member is required to collect $20.00 of Ads. These should NOT come out of your pocket! -Family Members and friends! We also have a sponsorship program through the PCDC
Time Commitment Varies depending on your role in the production. We rehearse 3 to 4 days per week here in the auditorium. Though there are mandatory meetings through out the season it is very important to ensure your calendars are clear for the following dates. November 30 th through December 19 th Virtual Stage Manager will be your best friend!
Virtual Stage Manager The best thing since sliced bread and the invention of chocolate.
Virtual Stage Manager Online scheduling and automated messaging system. It is based on the internet. Allows students submit conflicts and see when they are required. In the event practice is cancelled or an important announcement needs to be sent out students have the option of receiving a text message and/or an .
PCDC parent
Patrons of the Crestwood Drama Club Helping Crestwood Theatre Thrive!
PCDC Executive Board Nick Beaven, President Dani Smith, Vice-President Diane Ward- Treasurer Kathy Gurtowsky- Secretary
Founded in 2008 Make up of alumni, parents/guardians, and community supporters. Fundraise, control club finances, and assist in lobby during productions. Meet every 2 nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm in the CHS Library.
Volunteer Oppurtunities Sewer If you can sew costumes your expertise is needed! This will require work during rehearsal, before/after rehearsal, and at home. Dressers This position is needed during performances and rehearsals. Concession Donations Baking/Donating concession items for our productions.
We are on the web!