Lange/2006 T-Mobile IOT. This document provides a T- Mobile template to test on device PPT viewers. T-Mobile IOT
2 Author/Date Presentation title Standard Slide with Text. This presentation comprises a short introduction and a set of templates. Part 1:Everything you need to know This section provides an overview of the required PowerPoint settings. They include the “options” and “page setup” menus as well as settings for colors, headers and footers. Part 2:Templates for your daily work Each time you begin a new presentation, choose the templates you need and delete the rest. The templates and the presentation charts have been optimized for the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software versions 2000, 2002, XP, 2003 (PC) and 2002 (Mac). Full compatibility with older program versions cannot be guaranteed.
Author/Date Presentation title Title Slide.
4 Author/Date Presentation title Slide with embedded pictures. To keep data volumes to a minimum, we recommend: In the “Tools” menu, select “Options” and then “Save”. Here, the automatic save function “Allow fast saves” must be deactivated. To ensure the correct appearance of the TeleLogo typeface, the option “replace straight quotes with smart quotes” must be deactivated. To do this, select “Options” and then “Edit” in the “Tools” menu.
5 Author/Date Presentation title Orientation on every page. Slide with design grid. The purpose of the grid is to provide orientation and help you make the most of the available space on each page of your presentation. Texts and objects can be visually aligned using the “magnetic” guides. You can choose to display or hide the grid by activating or deactivating the “Guides” in the “View” menu. Specific fields have been defined for titles and body text. In the upper section, a communicative title appears. There is an optional second line that may contain additional factual or descriptive information. The second block, or work area, contains space for body text, graphics and diagrams.
6 Author/Date Presentation title The color palette. Slide with Corporate and accent colors. Corporate colors Hex: FF/CC/99 Hex: FF/99/33 Hex: 99/CC/FF Hex: 66/99/FF Hex: CC/CC/66 Hex: 66/99/66 Hex: 99/CC/CC Hex: 33/66/66 Secondary colors defined for use in graphics and charts If the color palette does not appear as it does in the illustration below, please use the color definitions on the right. Activate the menu point “More … Colors“ to access a tool that lets you drag and drop colors from those displayed here. RGB: 255/204/153 RGB: 255/153/51 RGB: 153/204/255 RGB: 102/153/255 RGB: 204/204/102 RGB: 102/153/102 RGB: 153/204/204 RGB: 51/102/102 Hex FF/FF/FF RGB: 255/255/255 Hex 00/00/00 RGB: 0/0/0 Hex E2/00/74 RGB: 216/0/116 Hex CC/CC/CC RGB: 204/204/204 Hex 99/99/99 RGB: 153/153/153 Hex 66/66/66 RGB: 102/102/102 Hex 33/33/33 RGB: 51/51/51
7 Author/Date Presentation title Slide with different Type sizes. Body text: TeleGrotesk regular, 22 point, line spacing 0.9 lines. Color: black. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, ed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut aliquam erat volutpat. Explanatory text: TeleGrotesk regular, 18 point, line spacing 0.9 lines. Color: black. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, ed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Legends: TeleGrotesk regular, 14 point, line spacing 0.9 lines. Color: black. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, ed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
8 Author/Date Presentation title This is what the new PowerPoint templates look like. Standard title slideIndexCopy slideDivider Bullet point listSlide with pictureSlide with graphFinal slide
Author/Date Presentation title Standard title slide with no image: TeleAntiqua 36 point, line spacing 0.9 lines. Type size for the subheadline: TeleAntiqua 22 point, line spacing 0.9 lines.
720 x 345 image area Please replace the full- format image 25.4 x cm (720 x 540 px) in the background with your desired image, and erase this text. The title slide with a wide image: TeleAntiqua 36 point, line spacing 0.9 lines. Type size for the subheadline: TeleAntiqua 22 point, line spacing 0.9 lines. Presentation title Author/Date
11 Author/Date Presentation title Slide with Table of contents. Optional subheadline in dark gray. 1.Lorem ipsum 1.1Dolor sit 1.2Amet consectetuer 2.Nibh euismod tincidunt 2.1Ut laoreet 2.2Quis nostrud exerci 2.3Tation ullamcorper
12 Author/Date Presentation title Slide with lists in standard body text. Optional subheadline in dark gray. Bullet point for topic 1 Sub-point for topic Bullet point for topic 2 Sub-point for topic
13 Author/Date Presentation title Slide with large image format. Images within the presentation. 570 x 320 image area. The image size may vary. The maximum dimensions are shown here.
14 Author/Date Presentation title Slide with small, variable image format. Images within the presentation. This is the accompanying text for the image to the left. The position of the text depends on the size and position of the image.
15 Author/Date Presentation title Slide with Sample charts generated by MS Graph.
Thank you for your Testing.