AgroWon Conclave Voices from Grounds Nishikant Bhalerao Editor Dec 06 Lucknow
Global Quotes "In an Age of Globalization we need to recognize that Others problems are our problems too!And we do not have all the answers." "China's opening to the Global economy did increase the standard of middle class.but now its argued that Chinese are suffering because of its rapid transition to mkt based economy" There is definitely a Distress in Maharashtra Farmers
Why Agriculture? As a Strong Media Group having multiple products catering various sections of society we found a SPACE for Areocentric product. A large size sample survey in 7 Agro- climatic zones of state and Dozens of FGD(Focused Group discussions) confirmed this SPACE.
India will be the highest populated country in the world in next 15 years. In order to be the granary of the world we have to increase productivity, innovate varieties, encourage R & D, food processing & capture the world market. In such circumstances, Agrowon will try to make farmers be aware and ready to face the challenges,posed by WTO/GATT/GLOBALISATION Objective
Entertain me HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Enlighten me Educate me Enrich me Help me make better decisions to increase my value as a parent, farmer, student etc Help me be more secure or healthy Help me stay informed on issues that are relevant to me Help me feel smart by stimulating my thinking. Keep me from boredom Give me enjoyment or amusement Help me to relax Engage me Connect me with people who share my interests-views Make me feel part of a community Empower me Help me get action on things that matter to me Provide me with information to keep our democracy running Objective Inform me on material benefit i.e.make/save money on time/Help me to become a better person
In the Agriculture industry Equipments Natural resources Productivity Yield Standardization Price Agri info Micro-irrigation, precision farming Agro tourism, SAZ ICT Commodity exchange,E-choupal, supermarkets GM crops Modernization Agri produce Processing, demand based crops Disruptive innovation
Farmers select crops Agri produce Geographically defined Few sources of ICT APMC, cooperatives No allied businesses Consumers select crops Agri produce not geographically defined, WTO Multiple sources of ICT Commodity exchanges, contract farming Agro tourism, etc.Banking reforms Money lenders Old WorldNew World
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What Farmers like to read in farming? Preferred Readable Topics
In just 20 months We are selling 1.10 Lacs copies Daily Reaching 10+ Lac unreached Farmer readers Reached 26k Farmers through 59 paid workshops ( (Topics:Jatropha and Bio-Fuel,Bamboo, Emu Farming,Green House Vegetables,value addition in Core Cereals,Agro tourism,Horti.Mission, Imp of Oilseeds, Medicinal Plants,Agro forestry farm management,Micro Credits, etc) Getting Daily 1.60 lac hits and 28 k page views to website
Voices Say... Efficient/ Accessible Certification Agencies Updates on Phyto-sanitary regulations Weather alerts with Pest forecast Post-harvest availability Simplified legalities in Contract Farming Participation in fixing MSP Group Buying-selling
Voices continue... Insurance and buyback guarantee Guidance on Agro based Activities Recognition to own Research Varsity research from Lab to Land Linkages to retail Seed security-Seed Bill High productivity Tech.for Groundnut,Safflower,Sesames,Mustard,Soya, castor.Linseed and oilseeds.
Voices Continue... Initiatives in forming Water Bodies,water Banks Marketing thru SHG Micro-credits is looked as Market based mechanism and transforming Micro credit system in rural Maharashtra.
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