Plants for the Future Technology Platform for plant biotechnology Prof. Marc Zabeau Vice Chairman, Technology Platform Steering Council Second Seminar.


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Presentation transcript:

Plants for the Future Technology Platform for plant biotechnology Prof. Marc Zabeau Vice Chairman, Technology Platform Steering Council Second Seminar with Industrial Leaders of Technology Platforms June 9, 2005

Plants for the Future ¤Platform created in 2003: joint initiative of two key stakeholders –Industry – EuropaBio – Biotech Industry association –Academia – EPSO - European Plant Science Organization –With the active participation of other stakeholders Farmers organizations Consumer and environmental organizations Public authorities ¤Vision document “Plants for the Future” –Long term vision for the contribution of plant biotechnology and genomics to Europe’s agriculture, Agro-food Industry and society –Launched by Commissioner Busquin in June 2004 ¤Draft Strategic Research Agenda –To be launched in July, followed by a Member State consultation

Long-term Industrial Commitment ¤Broad spectrum of industries involved –Agbiotech, food, seed, farmers, forestry, agrochemical and chemical industries ¤Interests of the diverse industries involved –Share a common basis Vibrant and competitive science and technology base Open markets for new products derived from plant biotechnology –Adequate response to the controversial discussions on GM foods and which are impacting the entire sector –Very different and occasionally even conflicting The GM issue in Europe has impacted the strategies of certain players –Major players having relocated their research

Long-term Industrial Commitment ¤Strong long term industrial commitment hinges on –Potential of plant genomics and biotechnology to respond to future market demands Safe and more nutritious food, sustainable production and novel non-food products –Improved regulatory environment and public acceptance of technology Enhance European industry’s competitive position in the global market

Involvement of different stakeholders ¤Broad spectrum of stakeholders involved –consumer and environmental organizations, financial community, regulatory authorities, experts in education and communication ¤Measures for increasing involvement of different stakeholders –Structuring their active participation in the different tasks of the platform Included in the steering committee of the Platform Given the responsibilities for defined tasks –Expert groups Sole criterion is non-dogmatic and constructive participation –Organizing an open and transparent consultation processes Comment on and contribute to the Draft Strategic Research Agenda

Relationship with national/regional authorities ¤The technology platform is organizing a consultation in all Member States –Road show to present the Draft Strategic Research Agenda in the member states Discuss the Agenda at the national and regional level with –Respective ministries and research policy makers –National and regional stakeholders Solicit constructive comments and responses to be incorporated in –The final Strategic Research Agenda ¤Dialogue with national/regional authorities will –Better align the national policies with the European roadmap –Ensure a coordinated implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda at the European and the national/regional levels

Developing Critical Mass ¤Achieving a critical mass of stakeholder integration –Although the response was in general very positive –Encountered certain difficulties Bridging the opposite industrial interests –Agrochemical industry versus organic farming –Agro food industry Continued involvement of consumer organizations –Direct benefit from the close interaction between academia and industry in the platform Development of novel public/private research partnerships ¤Integrating the vision and strategy of Plants for the Future with related technology platforms –Industrial biotechnology, Food and Forestry

Ensuring the commitment of public authorities ¤Member State consultation aims to mobilize the commitment of –National and regional public authorities for the implementation of TP recommendations ¤Long term commitment will be ensured through mirror groups connecting the TP to –the three European institutions Council Parliament Commission