Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Michael Nunez- President Jessie Miller- Vice President Angel Aranda- Cultural Diversity Ambassador Kenneth Cunningham- Chief Justice Katrina Trusan- Non Residential Ambassador Florence Garcia – 2 nd Floor Female Dorm President
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Hygiene Dorm Detail Student Involvement and Commitment
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference It is a health issue It is also a safety issue It could close down your binsness
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Steps to Accomplish Task Person Responsible Due Date Meet with the center director Michael Nunez- President May 1 st, 2014 Meet with the Senior Independent Living Advisor. Jessie Miller- V.P. May 6 th, 2014 Meet with all Independent Living Advisors. Kenneth Cunningham- Chief Justice May 14 th, 2014
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Steps to Accomplish Task Person Responsible Due Date Draft a new specific grading scale All SGA members April 30th, 2014 Meet with the center director All SGA members May 1 st, 2014 If approved meet with the ILA’s Michael Nunez- President and Dorm Presidents May 2 nd, 2014 Meet with the students at the business meeting Mike Nunez- President May 12 th, 2014
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Steps to Accomplish Task Person Responsible Due Date Meet with the SPO Kenneth Cunningham- Chief Justice April 30 th, 2014 Meet with the dorm manager All SGA members May 1 st, 2014 Meet with the center director All SGA members May 1 st, 2014
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference
We will know that we have accomplished our goal when each individual student takes on this challenge and sets a higher standard for all the other students in the dorms.
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference In Conclusion Our goal is to get students and staff to buy into the solutions that we have presented here. We will know if we have achieved this goal after examining the dorm cleanliness statistics every two weeks for the next two months.
Leadership SGA Leadership Conference.