…we’ll be covering This is not your typical presentation What we want you to take away Today’s announcements The salad of awesomeness Demo: building the App Introducing Java support Demo: using Java Demo: scaling the app Takeaways take 2
//build …not your typical presentation
//build Azure Websit es
//build …announcing today New management experience with the Azure preview portal Auto scale GA and enhancements Java support in Preview Traffic Manager Support GA VS 2013 Update 2 WebJobs SDK update
Demo: Building the app
//build Introducing Java Support Built-in support for: Java 7 Apache Tomcat 7 Jetty 9 Ability to upload custom Java code, JVM Tested with numerous applications including Jira, Magnolia, Liferay and Hudson Web Site Worker IIS sends all HTTP traffic to the Java HTTP port when Java is enabled. HTTP Front End HTTP
//build Demo: Building the Java portion
Demo: Geo-scaling the app
//build Thank you!
//build Announcing Visual Studio tooling Snapshot images Puppet Support Chef Support … …
//build Demo Presenter
//build Announcing Java Support Built-in support for: Java 7 Apache Tomcat 7 Jetty 9 Ability to upload custom Java code, JVM Tested with numerous applications including Jira, Magnolia, Liferay and Hudson
//build Azure Websit es
//build Azure Footprint