Journal How do you feel that the things you’re learning in teen leadership will help you in your life? Remember on Mondays new seat/new friend. Introduce yourself and share three things about yourself.
Good News
Lesson 4 Developing Relationships How long do you think it takes for someone to form a first impression of you? About 30 seconds…. That’s all!
Do you know how long it takes to reverse a bad first impression you have made? Approximately 20 additional meetings!
Questions to discuss: You and your partner are to discuss each question. You each share your ideas. You each recap what the other person has said. You listen to one another. 1. Why is making a good first impression important when you walk into the classroom for the first time? 2. Where else is making a first impression critical or important? 3. Share a time when you made a good first impression and a bad first impression.
Journal **respond to all** What is your favorite song and why? What is the best birthday present you ever received? What is the best birthday present you could receive? What is something that makes you feel sad? What is your favorite book and why? What is something that really bugs you?
Good News
What are some things I could do to remember names? Record your ideas on page 10-then share with your table partner.
Why would it be important to remember names of people and learn them as quickly as possible? Record your ideas and discuss with your partner.
What does networking have to do with developing friendships? Record your ideas and share with your table partner. What is networking? – communicating with other people in order to get to know them better.
Note writing See page 12. Let’s network and write notes to our teachers and or the staff here at Valleywood.
Launch If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page. Mark Houlahan