Relational Database CISC/QCSE 810 some materials from Software Carpentry
Introduction Text files have a long and useful history for storing files they are human-readable they can always be imported into new formats simple to write reading routines in any language
Limitations of Text Files 1 No meta-data experimental/simulation data has conditions/parameters attached If your file names are like "results_s10_n5_p43.txt", you should consider recording results in a database
Limitations of Text Files 2 Redundancy (and error) One way to include meta-data is to add extra columns to your text files "Any duplication will eventually lead to errors" Extra columns of constants are extremely expensive, largely wasted space, and don't scale well as you add new meta-data
Limitations of Text Files 3 Searching and subsetting searching for matching entries in a text file is cumbersome grep is fine for some easy matches, but not for searches like "“Find all experiments done with the Mark VII that had yields greater than 30%, that didn't use cadmium disulfide as a reagant”
Non-text files Collections of documents need be both stored and searched graphic images: index by date, source, resolution, format, processing done, comments video clips: same
Relational Databases Relational Databases are data repositories that can help store relations between different types of data Allows you to focus on one aspect of data modeling at a time reduce redundancy improve search
Getting Started A database is a collection of zero or more tables, each of which: Has a name Stores a single relation (i.e., a set of information of a particular kind) Each table has a fixed set of named columns All the values in a column have the same type Each table has zero or more rows Also called records
SQL Interface, DBMS Interact with database management system (DBMS) using a specialized language called SQL Every vendor implements its own extensions to the standard Table, database names are not case sensitive: gravity, Gravity and GRAVITY are considered the same Data can be case sensitive
Building vs Querying Most time with database is spent querying generating graphs, tables from subsets of data Still need to build it in the first place! record-by-record table-by-table Perl/Python program to do fancy file-to-database upload
Create a Database Database is a grouped collection of tables CREATE DATABASE
Creating a Table To create a table, specify its name, and the names and types of its columns CREATE TABLE Person( LoginTEXTNOT NULL, LastNameTEXT NOT NULL, FirstNameTEXT NOT NULL ); The expression NOT NULL means that the value must be present Data types are similar to C, Java types To erase a table, use DROP TABLE name Very handy when you're first starting…
Filling in a Table Adding records manually INSERT INTO VALUES (….) INSERT INTO Person VALUES("skol", "Kovalevskaya", "Sofia"); Adding from a file LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
Filling in a Table 2 For anything more complicated, you'll want to write a script in some other language that does the uploading for you, through tailored "insert" commands e.g. experiment just finished check for existing experiment w/same conditions create new record for experiment if necessary get new experiment ID (or old if it exists) upload results, with DB experimentID attached
Querying Suppose we want to get everyone's name and login ID Write a query that specifies what we want, and where to find it SELECT Person.FirstName, Person.LastName, Person.Login FROM Person;
Querying and Sorting SELECT Person.FirstName, Person.LastName, Person.Login FROM Person ORDER BY Person.Login;
Selection Frequently only want a subset of data SELECT FirstName FROM Person WHERE Login = "skol"
Simple Joins Getting project IDs from names SELECT ProjectID, LastName FROM Person, Involved WHERE Person.login = Involved.login
Query Joins w/3 Tables More interesting query: what are the names of the projects is Ivan involved in?
Far more to see! Design of databases "normal forms" knowing the relationships between your data tables Efficient access of databases optimization of queries
Accessing an existing database Download a MySQL client Try to connect to username aableson password
First steps Create a database named for your Queen's NetID Try some of the operations outlined in the MySQL tutorial skip the logging in with command line, go straight to building tables, queries
Resources MySQL Query Browser download MySQL tutorial tailored for command-line usage; can skip some if you're using a GUI MySQL reference