Pharmacare Canada needs a national universal pharmacare program
WHO and the Right to Health Essential primary health care and essential drugs are in the core content of the WHO Right to Health The government is obligated to take legislative, budgetary or policy action to fulfill this obligation
Canada is the only developed country with a universal health care system that does not provide universal coverage for prescription drugs for everyone
Medicare in Canada
Our Current System Public Plans Private Plans No insurance
1 in 10 Canadians can’t afford their prescription The consequences – compromised health outcomes, more health care visits and more hospitalization
Even small charges can be a barrier to filling a prescription
Who is most vulnerable? Self-rated poor health Two or more chronic conditions Low income earners – Minimum wage earners – The precariously employed – youth, older people, single parents, women, new immigrants, minority populations and the disabled No supplemental health insurance benefits British Columbians
Benefits of a National Pharmacare System Improve access Improve equity and fairness Improve health outcomes Sustainability Save money
National Universal Pharmacare is Essential Drugs are just as essential as hospital and physician care 78% of Canadians want a national universal pharmacare program