Remedial Mentors & Student Advisors – Supports That Lead to Success for Health Care Aide Students & Lower Attrition Rates for Colleges Presented by: Boris.


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Presentation transcript:

Remedial Mentors & Student Advisors – Supports That Lead to Success for Health Care Aide Students & Lower Attrition Rates for Colleges Presented by: Boris Woytowich Associate Chair, HCA Program

Objectives: 1.Describe trends occurring in HCA Programming that led to concerns. 2.Describe how we chose to address our concerns. 3.Discuss how our strategy has impacted student success and attrition rates. 4.Discuss plans (and hopes) for the future for our HCA Program.

Overall Trends in HCA Programs in Alberta Positive job market led to increased enrolment from diverse groups HCA students were coming increasingly with greater needs Students and/or instructors were asking for more support than before Concerns about student successes forced us to have to look at the situation

Goals Set for Attrition rates for the 2012/13 academic year were 25% Attrition rates for the 2013/14 academic year were 29% Our goal for the 2014/15 academic year was to maintain or stay below 20%.

The Model We Chose Maguire Associates. (2014). Eight Dimensions of Retention.

Knowing Why Students Leave

Intervene to Prevent Attrition Refer students to college services Create a Remedial Mentor position Create a Student Advisor position

The Remedial Mentor’s Role 1:1 and Group Support Sessions Remedial Labs Lunch & Learns Exam Reviews Re-Entry Program Lab and Clinical Practicum Support Orientation for New Instructors

Tracking the Remedial Mentor’s Influence

The Student Advisor’s Role Advising/Supporting Students Providing Information & Promoting the HCA Program Liaison With Other Departments HCA Department Management Instructing and Cover Off Orientation for New Staff Supporting Instructional Staff

Tracking the Student Advisor’s Influence

What it Takes to be a HCA Student Mentor or Advisor

Are We Excited Yet?

Many Thanks to Our Team To the supportive team in our HCA Program that put all this together: Chair: Sharleen Ravnsborg Remedial Mentor: Roxanne Thompson Student Advisor: Jaylee Lesewick Program Administrator: Leslie Marquardt and Clayton for his enthusiasm!

And Thanks to All of You

References Carole A. Estabrooks, Janet E. Squires, Heather L. Carleton, Greta G. Cummings and Peter G. Norton. (2015). Who is Looking After Mom and Dad? Unregulated Workers in Canadian Long-Term Care Homes. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. doi: /S Maguire Associates. (2014). Eight Dimensions of Retention. Retrieved from: NorQuest College. (2015). Health Care Aide Program Yearly Statistical Data Reports, NorQuest College. (2015). Program Review Data Package Health Care Aide. NorQuest College. (2015). Remedial Mentor’s Annual Report. NorQuest College. (2015). Student Advisor’s Annual Report.

Health Care Aide Self Screening Questions 1. Do you have a clear Criminal Record? 2. Are you able to bend, squat, and lift up to 40 pounds? 3. Are you comfortable giving close personal care to both males and females? 4. Are you able to read the print on prescription bottles? 5. Are you able to be on your feet up to 6 hours per day? 6. Clinical practicum starts at 6:45 AM do you have child care in place for these 5 weeks? 7. The program costs approximately $ do you have funding available? 8. Do you have English 10-1 or equivalent? 9. Are you able to work in crowed, noisy, busy environments? 10. Are you comfortable working with people from a variety of cultures and religions? 11. Do you respond positively to constructive feedback? 12. Are you able to hear a whisper, soft beeping or telephone ringing?