Dhriiti – The Courage Within Creating FSE-ible entrepreneurs and enterprises
Why do we have a website? To SHOWCASE our work to our stakeholders To REACH OUT to large numbers…at low cost To INTERACT with our target groups and other stakeholders To invite readers to ENGAGE with our work in various ways To ESTABLISH thought leadership
Who is the website for? Youth with technology Resource Partners Less wordy, easily navigable, interactive, action button
What info is most important? Core purpose & Programs (good fit) Partners (credibility) Achievements & Impact (scale) Opportunities for Engagement (action)
Who updates & when? Dedicated WEBSITE MANAGER – technological backend PROGRAM TEAM generates updates and communicates to Website Manager (including volunteers and interns) Regular updates on the monthly basis
What new info is added? New Projects Added in the existing Program Structure Achieve ments Appear on the Main Page, hyperlinked to details New Events Appear on the main page, front banner
Who decides, how is it reviewed? approves overall updating manages overall quality Review team exercise (each team member scans the website for errors) Head of Programs
Areas we can make better Faster Infographics Dynamic Sections Resource Hub
Measure of Success Web StatsCurrent StatsTarget Stats (31 st March 2015) No. of Unique Visitors (average daily)18100 Referers (websites)7% non Dhriiti50% non Dhriiti Search Engine RankGoogle (5) Alexa (13 mn) Google (6) Alexa (10 mn) Regular monthly updates is an important success indicator driven internally