Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI RESOURCES FOR REDESIGNING HIGH SCHOOL Resource #1 Visioning the Reformed High School.


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Presentation transcript:

Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI RESOURCES FOR REDESIGNING HIGH SCHOOL Resource #1 Visioning the Reformed High School

FOUNDATION As we redesign our school, what will guide our work?

OPTIONS Model used by another school (e.g. New Tech High) HSTW Key Practices Daggett’s “Successful Schools, What Makes Them Work” Indiana PL221 components LOCAL CORE CONVICTIONS

What we believe in our hearts that ALL students deserve in order to become successful learners, responsible citizens, and productive members of a global economy. CORE CONVICTION 


InSAI School Example All students deserve to learn in a safe and disciplined environment.

InSAI School Example All students deserve to be surrounded by adults who have high expectations.

InSAI School Example All students deserve to master rigorous content that will prepare them for a global economy.

InSAI School Example All students deserve to be engaged in their learning.

InSAI School Example All students deserve extra help when they need it.

InSAI School Example All students deserve a guidance relationship with a caring and informed adult.

QUESTION Can we tell from teachers’ behaviors what they believe about kids, learning, and school?

Frederick Douglass Academic Task: What do the teachers at Frederick Douglass Academic believe about kids, learning, and school?


OUR CORE CONVICTIONS What does our community believe about kids, learning, and education?

Individual Brainstorm IN OUR HEART OF HEARTS All kids deserve...

Consider these areas... GUIDANCE GUIDANCE CURRICULUM GUIDANCE RELATIONSHIP TEACHING Curriculum Content Instruction Assessment Extra Time / Help ENVIRONMENT School Policy Behavior Management Student Assistance Parent Involvement Community Involvement Resources Leadership EXPECTATIONS Faculty Expectations Parent Expectations Community Expectations Student Expectations


VISION With our core convictions as a guide, what do we want our school and community to be like?

VISION A lofty, bold statement of the way our school will be if all of our dreams for kids come true. © American Student Achievement Institute

VISION vs MISSION VISION is a complete description of an ideal world. It’s a lofty and bold dream. It is not based in reality. MISSION is a brief statement that says that it’s the purpose of the school to move toward the vision. © American Student Achievement Institute

VISION vs GOAL GOAL is a realistic step between the current situation and the vision. It’s reachable within a certain time frame. VISION is a complete description of an ideal world. It’s a lofty and bold dream. It is not based in reality. © American Student Achievement Institute

VISION DECRIBES Ideal Adults Ideal Students Ideal Results © American Student Achievement Institute

PRACTICAL REASONS FOR VISIONING 1.Raises expectations 2.Common purpose / direction 3.Creates energy for change 4.Focuses on the future 5.Eliminates blaming for the past 6.Focuses on students 7.Foundation for decision making © American Student Achievement Institute

Jerry Bamberg Without a common vision, the school becomes a “collection of cottage industries operating in isolation under the same roof.” Source: Jerry Bamburg, North Central Regional Educational Laboratory © American Student Achievement Institute

Joel Barker THE POWER OF VISION “Vision without action is but a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Source: The Power of Vision Video, Charthouse, Inc. © American Student Achievement Institute

The Vision Statement CORE CONVICTIONS What do we believe in our hearts  that all kids deserve? If the students were doing these things, what would be our school’s statistics? If the adults are living by their core convic- tions, what would be the student behaviors & attitudes? If the adults were living by these core convic- tions, what would be their behaviors & attitudes?? © American Student Achievement Institute

Consider these areas... Expectations © American Student Achievement Institute Curriculum Instruction Environment Assessment Extra Help / Time Guidance

Next Steps: 1.SET TARGETS: Set realistic data targets that fall between your current & vision achievement data. 2.ANALYZE: Determine where your adult and student behaviors are not aligned with your vision. 3.SELECT STRATEGIES: Develop strategies for moving adult & student behavior closer to the vision. 4.IMPLEMENT: Work your plan! © American Student Achievement Institute

Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI RESOURCES FOR REDESIGNING HIGH SCHOOL Resource #1 Visioning the Reformed High School