Leadership and Trust January 2014
What is trust? …one’s expectations or beliefs about the likelihood that another’s future actions will be beneficial, or at least not detrimental, to one’s interests. As a social construct, trust lies at the heart of relationships and contracts, influencing each party’s behavior toward the other as a general positive attitude toward another social entity, trust acts as a guideline, influencing one’s interpretation of social behaviors within a relationship… (Robinson 2006p. 576).
…“lubricant” for most interactions in their organizations (Fukuyama, 1995; Luhmann, 1979), allowing less time to be spent on details, planning and attending to messages, and more time to be spent on actions that contribute to organizational improvements. Without trust, “the school is likely to experience the overheated friction of conflict as well as a lack of progress toward its admirable goals” (Tschannen-Moran, 2004, p. xi)
Trust Reduces social complexity… Implementation dip…
The 13 Antecedents of Trust Three strengths Three areas for developemnts
The 13 Antecedents of Trust Benevolence Caring/concern Competence Consistency/reliability Fairness Forgiveness Honesty Integrity Loyalty Openness Personal regard Respect Vulnerability
Top 5 Competence Consistency and Reliability OpennessRespectIntegrity
Competence Functional, work-related skills Working hard, pressing for results, setting standards Problem solving Setting an example FlexibilityBuffering Conflict resolution Handling difficult situations
Consistency & Reliability Being consistent Tools for uncertainty DiligenceDependability Demonstrating commitment and dedication
Openness Openness in influence Openness in control Openness in information, feelings Sharing decision making; sharing power Give and get rapid and direct disclosure of relevant information
Respect Recognition of the important role of each person Mutual dependencies
Integrity Modeling; leader’s actions match words Moral-ethical orientation guide leader’s work