Reading Jeopardy RhymingBeginning Sounds Ending Sounds Sight Words Sequencing
Rhyming for 1 point What rhymes with…
Rhyming for 2 points What rhymes with …
Rhyming for 3 points Which picture rhymes with rip?
Rhyming for 4 points Which two pictures rhyme?
Rhyming for 5 points Which word rhymes with book? Red See Look Spoon
Beginning Sounds for 1 point Tell a word that begins with the letter… Nn
Beginning sounds for 2 points What picture begins with Rr?
Beginning sounds for 3 points. What letter does this animal begin with?
Beginning Sounds for 4 points Find two pictures that start the same.
Beginning Sounds for 5 points Tell a word that begins with sh?
Ending Sounds for 1 point What picture ends with Bb?
Ending Sounds for 2 points Which picture ends with Ee?
Ending Sounds for 3 points Tell a word that ends with Dd.
Ending Sounds for 4 points Which pictures end the same?
Ending Sounds for 5 points Tell a word that ends with ch?
Sight Words for 1 point Read the word. I
Sight Words for 2 points Read the word. and
Sight Words for 3 points Spell the color word.
Sight Words for 4 points Spell the color word.
Sight Words for 5 points Which word is spelled correctly? siad aisd said dias
Sequencing for 1 point Tell what comes first in our day.
Sequencing for 2 points What happens first?
Sequencing for 3 points What happens first?
Sequencing for 4 points What happens last?
Sequencing for 5 points Put the words in order to make a sentence. car fast. is The