LIRNE.NET: ICT4D with or without universities Rohan Samarajiva Director of External Programs LIRNE.NET & Executive Director LIRNEasia
What does LIRNE.NET do? Research Applied research driven by what we think policy makers/regulators want Teaching Those directly engaged in policy/regulation Through media Emphasis on the teachable moment Outreach Rapid response/consulting Not very different from universities? As different as could be?
Research Thematic coherence Next stage of reform: ICT convergence regulation or multisector multiutility regulation? Regulation: facilitating or hindering investment? Diverse approaches to extending ICT infrastructure
Research: by whom? Coalition of the willing Researchers in multiple universities (e.g., Technical U of Denmark), research institutes (NCAER, India); virtual organizations (LIRNEasia) When we can, we pay Not “collection of small businesses under one roof” as university departments have been described
Research: of what? Highly policy-relevant applied research Theme decided on through consultation with LIRNE.NET community But based on judgment of leadership Focused But deviation in extraordinary circumstances Tsunami disaster preparedness/communication research in 2005 Case studies that tell a generalizable story Principles communicated through examples
Research process Conflation of production and dissemination Multiple drafts discussed on Internet and at Expert Forums Research improves But dissemination also occurs Experts not defined solely as academics, but as informed stakeholders that may include academics
Research dissemination No priority to peer-reviewed journals But will also publish in them Internet publication under copyleft Sometimes output is collated into volumes and distributed to decision- makers
Teaching Short executive courses for senior decision makers E.g., 4.5 day course in Antigua, Guatemala for Regulatel, association of L American regulators Involvement in university programs E.g., niche MBA in infrastructure, U of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka Through the media E.g., Melody interviews in S Africa
Teaching Infused and informed by research Intentional avoidance of “how to” teaching (=training) Has a role, but best for junior staff
Outreach Consulting and advising in response to demand E.g., written input for public consultation process E.g., Telecom Regulatory Authority of India consultation paper on extending rural networks Sector performance review for Danish regulatory agency
Organizational structure Incorporated as an association in Denmark, with money managed in a university account, with relatively low overhead extraction But we can leave anytime Primarily university based TU Delft, Netherlands (Economics of Infrastructures Section) Technical U of Denmark (Center for ICT) Witwatersrand U, South Africa (LINK Centre) London School of Economics & Political Science
Organizational structure Work with people for some time; then organizational affiliation LINK Centre at Wits U joined after 3-4 years of collaboration Exception to university rule: LIRNEasia Well defined centers existed in previous sites; not in SL SL institutions universities in name only Highly bureaucratic; inward oriented Good (only?) researchers in ICT4D outside university structure Needed a center to support them
Organizational structure Our organizational objective: create an effective, virtual, regional organization Recruited a organizational development consultant for 12 months to Manage all interaction processes Develop proposal for 2 nd office Use the web (blog inspired) Play with WiFi, blog, video conferencing
LIRNEasia The ultimate workaround?