恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 1/9 1 1-Slide 2-3 2-Slide 4-5 3-Slide 6-7 4-Slide 8-9 243 We Pray You O Father.


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Presentation transcript:

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 1/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide We Pray You O Father

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 2/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide We Pray You O Father, acknowledge You to be the King, All the world shall worship You to You all angels sing.

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 3/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide Holy, holy, holy, the multitudes of heaven cry, ‘Glory of our Father fills the earth and sea and sky’

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 4/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide Disciples of Jesus and men who dared to preach for You, men who died while fight in evil join the chorus too:

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 5/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide ‘Father, Son and Spirit, in majesty, O Lord most high!’ Sings Your church, acknowledging the glorious Trinity

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 6/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide Majestic in glory, O Christ, eternal Son, who came, not repelled by human birth, Your people reclaim.

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 7/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide Bitter death is vanquished, believers You are welcoming to the throne of God the Father where You sit as King

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 8/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide Great Judge of all people, who heard Your saints of great renown, hear the prayer of blood bought servants; may we share their crown.

恩颂圣歌 038- 来赞美我天父 We Praise You O Father 9/9 1 1-Slide Slide Slide Slide Father, keep Your children who on Your mercy daily call, look on us who trust You wholly never let us fall