Train them up in the Way they should go
Finally Home Deuteronomy 6 The Background – Rescued and Delivered from Egypt – 10 day trip across the desert takes 40 years – 12 spies go out to inspect the land – 10 whine and are scared – 2, in faith, want to go into the land – 40 years later, they are preparing to enter
Deut 6:1-3 Follow up the Ten Commandments Urged to fear, reverence, and respect God’s command Offered with a promise – you do this, you teach your children and their children, and I’ll protect and provide for you
Deut 6:4-5 It must be a sincere love (not in word, but in action and truth It must be a strong love (not lukewarm, not just when we need help) It must be the ultimate love (nothing can come before Him) It must be an intelligent love (knowing who and how He is as our creator and Father) With a complete and Holy love
And the instructions (Deut 6:6-11) Meditating on His Word often (get it in your heart) Train your children up in them (Prov 22:6) True Fellowship (thinking and talking about Him all the time) Have His Word everywhere as a reminder of Him And He’ll give you protection and provision
With a caution (Deut 6:13-19) When things get easy, we tend to forget We shouldn’t get caught up in the distractions that are abundant in this world And the inheritance He promised to our Fathers will be ours He will fight your battles for you
This is our responsibility Teach the children Remind them where you came from Remind them where they came from
Dedicated to Him and His Service For education purposes – Water Baptism of infants is never mentioned in the Bible – Baby dedication typically occurred at the same time as circumcision – Parents would present their children to the Lord, pray that God would watch and keep them, and ask for His favor on their life – Samuel, Jesus, John the Baptist, Samson, the list goes on
Order of Baby Dedication Presentation of Madelynn Jane Eager Parents Statement of Commitment and Dedication Congregation Statement of Commitment and Dedication Prayer and Thanks