Multivariate Description
What Technique? Response variable(s)... Predictors(s) No Predictors(s) Yes... is one distribution summary regression models... are many indirect gradient analysis (PCA, CA, DCA, MDS) cluster analysis direct gradient analysis constrained cluster analysis discriminant analysis (CVA)
a) Rotate the Variable Space
Raw Data
Linear Regression
Two Regressions
Principal Components
Gulls Variables
Scree Plot
Output > gulls.pca2$loadings Loadings: Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Weight Wing Bill H.and.B > summary(gulls.pca2) Importance of components: Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Standard deviation Proportion of Variance Cumulative Proportion
Male or Female?
Linear Discriminant > gulls.lda <- lda(Sex ~ Wing + Weight + H.and.B + Bill, gulls) lda(Sex ~ Wing + Weight + H.and.B + Bill, data = gulls) Prior probabilities of groups: Group means: Wing Weight H.and.B Bill Coefficients of linear discriminants: LD1 Wing Weight H.and.B Bill
Relationship between PCA and LDA
b) Use Distance or Dissimilarity (Multi-Dimensional Scaling)
A Distance Matrix
Uses of Distances Distance/Dissimilarity can be used to:- Explore dimensionality in data (using PCO) As a basis for clustering/classification
UK Wet Deposition Network
Fitting Environmental Variables
A Map based on Measured Variables
Fitting Environmental Variables
c) Summarise by Weighted Averages
Species and Sites as Weighted Averages of each other SITES SPP Bel per Jun buf …42.. Jun art Air pra Ele pal Rum ace …23.. Vic lat Bra rut Ran fla Hyp rad Leo aut Pot pal Poa pra …4.. Cal cus Tri pra …2.. Tri rep Ant odo Sal rep Ach mil …2.. Poa tri …45.. Ely rep Sag pro Pla lan …5.. Agr sto Lol per …6.. Alo gen Bro hor …2..
Species and Sites as Weighted Averages of each other
Reciprocal Averaging - unimodal Site A B C D E F Species Prunus serotina Tilia americana Acer saccharum Quercus velutina Juglans nigra
Reciprocal Averaging - unimodal Site A B C D E F Species Score Species Iteration 1 Prunus serotina Tilia americana Acer saccharum Quercus velutina Juglans nigra Iteration Site Score
Reciprocal Averaging - unimodal Site A B C D E F Species Score Species Iteration 1 2 Prunus serotina Tilia americana Acer saccharum Quercus velutina Juglans nigra Iteration Site Score
Reciprocal Averaging - unimodal Site A B C D E F Species Score Species Iteration Prunus serotina Tilia americana Acer saccharum Quercus velutina Juglans nigra Iteration Site Score
Reciprocal Averaging - unimodal Site A B C D E F Species Score Species Iteration Prunus serotina Tilia americana Acer saccharum Quercus velutina Juglans nigra Iteration Site Score
Reordered Sites and Species Site A C E B D F Species Species Score Quercus velutina Prunus serotina Juglans nigra Tilia americana Acer saccharum Site Score
Managing Dimensionality (but not acronyms) PCA, CA, RDA, CCA, MDS, NMDS, DCA, DCCA, pRDA, pCCA
Type of Data Matrix species sites attributes species attributes sites attributes individuals desert macroph inverts uses watervar rain gulls
Ordination Techniques Linear methodsWeighted averaging unconstrainedPrincipal Components Analysis (PCA) Correspondence Analysis (CA) constrainedRedundancy Analysis (RDA) Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA)
Models of Species Response There are (at least) two models:- Linear - species increase or decrease along the environmental gradient Unimodal - species rise to a peak somewhere along the environmental gradient and then fall again
A Theoretical Model
Alpha and Beta Diversity alpha diversity is the diversity of a community (either measured in terms of a diversity index or species richness) beta diversity (also known as species turnover or differentiation diversity) is the rate of change in species composition from one community to another along gradients; gamma diversity is the diversity of a region or a landscape.
A Short Coenocline
A Long Coenocline
Inferring Gradients from Species (or Attribute) Data
Indirect Gradient Analysis Environmental gradients are inferred from species data alone Three methods: –Principal Component Analysis - linear model –Correspondence Analysis - unimodal model –Detrended CA - modified unimodal model
PCA - linear model
Terschelling Dune Data
PCA gradient - site plot
PCA gradient - site/species biplot standard nature biodynamic & hobby
Arches - Artifact or Feature?
The Arch Effect What is it? Why does it happen? What should we do about it?
From Alexandria to Suez
CA - with arch effect (sites)
CA - with arch effect (species)
Long Gradients ABCD
Gradient End Compression
CA - with arch effect (species)
CA - with arch effect (sites)
Detrending by Segments
DCA - modified unimodal
Making Effective Use of Environmental Variables
Approaches Use single responses in linear models of environmental variables Use axes of a multivariate dimension reduction technique as responses in linear models of environmental variables Constrain the multivariate dimension reduction into the factor space defined by the environmental variables
Unconstrained/Constrained Unconstrained ordination axes correspond to the directions of the greatest variability within the data set. Constrained ordination axes correspond to the directions of the greatest variability of the data set that can be explained by the environmental variables.
Direct Gradient Analysis Environmental gradients are constructed from the relationship between species environmental variables Three methods: –Redundancy Analysis - linear model –Canonical (or Constrained) Correspondence Analysis - unimodal model –Detrended CCA - modified unimodal model
Direct Gradient Analysis Basic PCA y ik = b 0k + b 1k x i + e ik –x i - the sample scores on the ordination axis –b 1k - the regression coefficients for each species (the species scores on the ordination axis) In RDA there is a further constraint on x i x i = c 1 z i1 + c 2 z i2 Making y ik = b 0k + b 1k c 1 z i1 + b 1k c 2 z i2 + e ik
Direct Gradient Analysis cca(species_data ~ e1 + e en + Condition(e5), data=environmental_data) cca(varespec ~ Al + P*(K + Baresoil) + Condition(pH), data=varechem)
Lake Nasser - Egypt
CCA - site/species joint plot
CCA - species/environment biplot
Removing the Effect of Nuisance Variables
Partial Analyses Remove the effect of covariates –variables that we can measure but which are of no interest –e.g. block effects, start values, etc. Carry out the gradient analysis on what is left of the variation after removing the effect of the covariates.
Cluster Analysis
Different types of data example Continuous data:height Categorical data ordered (nominal):growth rate very slow, slow, medium, fast, very fast not ordered:fruit colour yellow, green, purple, red, orange Binary data:fruit / no fruit
Similarity matrix We define a similarity between units – like the correlation between continuous variables. (also can be a dissimilarity or distance matrix) A similarity can be constructed as an average of the similarities between the units on each variable. (can use weighted average) This provides a way of combining different types of variables.
relevant for continuous variables: Euclidean city block or Manhattan Distance metrics A B A B (also many other variations)
Similarity coefficients for binary data simple matching count if both units 0 or both units 1 Jaccard count only if both units 1 (also many other variants) simple matching can be extended to categorical data 0,11,1 0,01,0 0,11,1 0,01,0
hierarchical divisive put everything together and split monothetic / polythetic agglomerative keep everything separate and join the most similar points (classical cluster analysis) non-hierarchical k-means clustering Clustering methods
Agglomerative hierarchical Single linkage or nearest neighbour finds the minimum spanning tree: shortest tree that connects all points chaining can be a problem
Agglomerative hierarchical Complete linkage or furthest neighbour compact clusters of approximately equal size. (makes compact groups even when none exist)
Agglomerative hierarchical Average linkage methods between single and complete linkage
Testing Significance in Ordination
Randomisation Tests
Randomisation Example Model: cca(formula = dune ~ Moisture + A1 + Management, data = dune.env) Df Chisq F N.Perm Pr(>F) Model < *** Residual Signif. codes: 0 *** ** 0.01 * 0.05