Paper Cutting Exercise Exercise objective: Perform and Analyze a variable MSA Study. 1. Cut a piece of paper into 12 different lengths that are all fairly close to one another but not too uniform. Label the back of the piece of paper to designate its “part number” 2. Perform a variable gage R&R study as outlined in this module. Use the following guidelines: Number of parts: 12 Number of inspectors: 3 Number of trials: 5 3. Create a MINITABTM data sheet and enter the data into the sheet as each inspector performs a measurement. If possible, assign one person to data collection. 4. Analyze the results and discuss with your mentor. Exercise.
Attribute Gage Error Repeatability Reproducibility Calibration Attribute MSA A methodology used to assess Attribute Measurement Systems. They are used in situations where a continuous measure cannot be obtained. It requires a minimum of 5x as many samples as a continuous study. Disagreements should be used to clarify operational definitions for the categories. Attribute data are usually the result of human judgment (which category does this item belong in). When categorizing items (good/bad; type of call; reason for leaving) you need a high degree of agreement on which way an item should be categorized. Attribute Gage Error Repeatability Reproducibility Calibration The Discrete Measurement Study is a set of trials conducted to assess the ability of operators to use an operational definition or categorize samples, an Attribute MSA has: 1 . Multiple operators measure (categorize) multiple samples a multiple number of times. For example: 3 operators each categorize the same 50 samples, then repeat the measures at least once. 2. The test should be blind. It is difficult to run this without the operator knowing it is a calibration test, but the samples should be randomized and their true categorization unknown to each operator. The test is analyzed based on correct (vs. incorrect) answers to determine the goodness of the measuring system.
The purpose of an Attribute MSA is: Attribute MSA Purpose The purpose of an Attribute MSA is: To determine if all inspectors use the same criteria to determine “pass” from “fail”. To assess your inspection standards against your customer’s requirements. To determine how well inspectors are conforming to themselves. To identify how inspectors are conforming to a “known master,” which includes: How often operators ship defective product. How often operators dispose of acceptable product. Discover areas where: Training is required. Procedures must be developed. Standards are not available. An Attribute MSA is similar in many ways to the continuous MSA, including the purposes. Do you have any visual inspections in your processes? In your experience how effective have they been? When a continuous MSA is not possible an Attribute MSA can be performed to evaluate the quality of the data being reported from the process.