Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Report from ICFA 1.ICFA mission and membership 2.ICFA Panels 3.ICFA and the ILC 4.Other activities of ICFA Albrecht Wagner, Chair ICFA Lepton-Photon 2007, Daegu
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA Mission Created in 1976 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics to facilitate international collaboration in the construction and use of accelerators for high energy physics. Its purposes, as stated in 1985: –To promote international collaboration in all phases of the construction and exploitation of very high energy accelerators. –To organize regularly world-inclusive meetings for the exchange of information on future plans for regional facilities and for the formulation of advice on joint studies and uses. –To organize workshops for the study of problems related to super high-energy accelerator complexes and their international exploitation and to foster research and development of necessary technology.
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Current Membership CERN Member States: R Aymar, K. Meier, AW USA:J Dorfan, P Oddone, N. Roe Russia:Y. Tikhonov, A Zaytsev China:H Chen 4th Region:V Sahni, S Novaes, SC Lee, Japan:S Komamiya, A Suzuki Canada:D Karlen Chair C11:G Herten
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA Panels ICFA Instrumentation Innovation and Development Panel ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel ICFA Panel on Advanced and Novel Accelerators ICFA Standing Committee on Interregional Connectivity International Linear Collider Steering Committee International High Energy Physics Computing Coordination CommitteeInternational High Energy Physics Computing Coordination Committee
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA Activities 2 Meetings since last summer (30 July 2006 Moscow) Beijing, 8/9 February 2007, with Directors of the world’s major particle physics laboratories, allowing for a broader discussion on the current and future status of particle physics. Daegu, 15 August 2007 In the past year, the main focus of ICFA was: Guidance for ILC accelerator, with ILCSC Guidance for ILC detector R&D, with WWS Neutrino studies
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA and the Linear Collider ICFA has been helping guide international cooperation on the Linear Collider since the mid 1990’s. Reason: World-wide consensus that 500 GeV e+e- linear collider (upgradeable to ~1 TeV) is next major accelerator following LHC 1995: First ILC TRC Report, under Greg Loew as Chair 1999: ICFA Statement on Linear Collider 2002: ICFA commissioned the second ILC TRC Report, under Greg Loew as Chair 2002: ICFA establishes the International Linear Collider Steering Group (ILCSC) with Chairs Maury Tigner, Shin-ichi Kurokawa -> Enzo Iarocci
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA and the Linear Collider At ICHEP 2004 (Beijing) ICFA endorsed the Technology Recommendation made by the ITRP This led to a major convergence of world-wide efforts towards the LC GDE, with director Barry Barish, formed in early 2005 Baseline Configuration Document (BCD) produced in late 2005 Preliminary Reference Design Report delivered in February 2007, including costs
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA and the Linear Collider Early 2006: ILCSC set up a Machine Advisory Committee for the RDR Phase (MAC), chaired by Ferdinand Willeke (DESY), which has critically reviewed the RDR After delivery of preliminary RDR, an International Cost Review was made (nominations by FALC and ILCSC) –Chair: Lyn Evans (CERN) The major conclusions: –GDE costing and methodology is as good as can be expected at the present time. –Further possible savings can be foreseen, based on expected R&D results and on further optimization of the design.
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA and the Linear Collider RDR was approved by ICFA at Daegu -> thanks to GDE Now entering the Engineering Design Phase -> see talk by Barry Barish Additional Issues to be tackled by ILCSC: –Develop a siting strategy –Issue of industrialisation
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Renewed Mandate for ILCSC ILCSC mandate originally written in 2002, revised mandate approved at meeting in Moscow The ILCSC membership remains unchanged The existing GDE MOU was only for the RDR phase ILCSC now working on MOU for Engineering Design Phase
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA FALC Resource Board ILCSC GDE GDE Oversight
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 FALC FALC = Funding Agencies for Large Colliders Informal group of particle physics funding agencies from several countries Subgroup: FALC Resources Group (FALC-RG) Good coordination essential between FALC and ICFA Links between FALC, ICFA and ILCSC through their respective chairs, who attend each others meetings Latest FALC meeting in July 2007
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Detector R&D So far, Detector R&D and next steps have been coordinated by the World Wide Study (WWS) Group The Worldwide Study (WWS) reports at ILCSC meetings, and has requested that ILCSC take a more active role in the process.
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Detector R&D The DCR for detectors, including costs, is now complete In order to have a complete ILC design and cost to present to funding agencies in 2010, the detector designs and costs should be known at a similarly detailed level as those of the accelerator. To do this, the present four detector concepts should evolve into two, as specified in the RDR. Much R&D on detector components and ideas is still incomplete at the present time, needs to be continued In addition, R&D on detector components alone is no longer sufficient, need to have an integrated design including interface aspects
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Detector R&D Results from Daegu ILCSC meeting: ILCSC will be sending out a call for Letters of Intent for ILC detectors, from which two detector concepts would be selected (to be submitted by Summer2008) LOIs most likely will not represent the final detectors. As in the case of LEP/LHC/HERA they serve as case studies and represent the starting point for concrete engineering designs LOIs will describe the resources needed in manpower for an EDR but will not commit any of these resources
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Detector R&D The LOI process will by no means preclude the possibility for an emerging collaboration to provide an alternate EDR at a later stage It will be the task of the worldwide lab emerging during the approval phase of ILC (period starting in 2010) to make final choices about the final two detectors accepted.
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Detector R&D There is a need for an ILC “Research Director (RD)”, who would be a key player in the detector choice and the detector R&D program RD will represent the users and be the unique point of contact for the GDE (advice and decisions on matters that affect the detectors and the ILC physics program). RD will report to ILCSC RD search ongoing RD will be advised by a committee, analogous to a laboratory physics advisory committee -> International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG)
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Other activities of ICFA ICFA response to request for an International Neutrino Design Study ICFA statement on Open Access Publishing
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Neutrino Study Informal note from Ken Long (ISS) to ICFA (June 2006): The International Scoping Study of a future Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility (the ISS) was launched in 2005 Need to catalyse the strategic review that is required to develop an international road map for experimental neutrino physics; and Need to generate an appropriate mandate that will allow the momentum of the ISS to be maintained. The ISS has clearly established the need for an International Design Study initiative.
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Neutrino Study ICFA was asked to: Initiate a strategic review of experimental neutrino physics; Mandate an International Design Study initiative Consider the process by which the facility can be established. -> ICFA set up a task force to work out a response
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA Response 1 Response by ICFA Task Force: ICFA recognizes the recent advances in neutrino physics and the scientific interest in pursuing next generation accelerator facilities to produce more intense neutrino beams for precision experiments. The neutrino community is already very active in organizing workshops and schools to plan the future program in this area. However, the neutrino community has not itself come to a consensus to which sort of facility - superbeams, muon storage rings or beta beams, should be pursued.
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 ICFA Response 2 Given the present situation, it is too early for ICFA to take action along the lines it has devoted to the ILC planning. The International Scoping Study proposes that an International Design Study begin, which would consider all three types of proposed facilities. ICFA is encouraged by these activities, but at this stage in planning it does not see a need to become involved in the process. Should the effort coalesce around a facility proposal to take forward as a global project, it would then be appropriate for ICFA to assist in advancing this.
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Open Access Publishing G. Herten, T. Akesson, W. Chou (representing C11, ECFA and the ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel) asked that ICFA issue a statement of endorsement of the OA initiative. ICFA, at Daegu, has approved a statement with the following content:
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Open Access Publishing ICFA notes the large benefits of open access publishing for scientists, authors, funding agencies and publishers if fair-share business models are implemented. However, worldwide consensus and funding are needed to accomplish the large-scale transition to open-access journals in particle physics within the near future. ICFA therefore encourages all concerned parties from all world regions to actively get involved in the SCOAP3 initiative to assure its success. ICFA also invites its members to facilitate the implementation of SCOAP3 by raising awareness on open-access publishing in their communities.
Albrecht Wagner, Report from ICFA, LP 2007 Conclusion ICFA continues to play a very active role for many years in helping advance international projects With LHC starting in 2008, a first major step will be taken to look beyond the Standard Model Other programmes, such as neutrino physics, will become increasingly international ICFA will continue helping to advance particle physics