Mentoring: Proven Strategies for Success: Session 5: Evaluation and Tool 04/24/14
Assessment of Mentoring “Assessment is the process through which we gather evidence about the claims we are making with regard to student learning and the process/delivery of mentoring in order to inform and support improvement” (Campbell, 2008)
Please take a few minutes submit: If you could, What evidence would you want to gather from your mentoring experience? Who will you inform? Prompt
WHAT research learning is to occur? WHERE might it be learned? By WHEN should it be learned? *This process can also inform the kinds of evidence that need to be gathered for appropriate assessment. Gather Evidence Mapping the Experience (Maki, 2004)*
The Mentoring Contract can inform what evidence should be collected Creating an contract
– examples: Contract Application
Collaboration with Mentee
Should Undergraduate Mentees be Included as Co-authors? What are the determining factors? The amount of effort and time in collecting data Originality/novel ideas Writing of manuscript
Reasons to Publish with Undergraduates 1. You likely got your career start by doing undergraduate research. 2.Authoring with undergraduates creates a multitude of opportunities for students to learn about and discuss ethics. 3.Students who publish as undergraduates tend to be more competitive for professional schools, and institutions often track or assess the number of graduates who go on for higher degrees.
Reasons to Publish with Undergraduates 4.Publishing with undergraduates serves as clear evidence of broader impacts that funding agencies require. 5. Publications with undergraduate authors that indicate a sustainable research program may be viewed as positive by tenure and promotion committees, especially at PUIs. Teaching Resource, Vol. 2
Recommended Strategies for Writing and Publishing with Undergraduates Have students save each draft by date. Have students keep logs of their writing efforts. Treat independent research as a course with a syllabus and agenda. Involve students in the writing process. Mention your student’s efforts in front of one of your colleagues.
Choosing a Student Mentee as Co- author Is the student genuinely interested in the topic? Is the student willing to put sufficient time and effort? What is the student’s background? Prior experience Educational background Future goals Ensuring a good fit
Ultimately, the graduate student and his collaborator met with the advisor, and they came to the solution that both the student and the advisor would be co- first-authors, with the collaborator as last author.