Our Father By Aiden Ryan
Line: Our Father Meaning: The prayer says our father because it is telling us that we all come from God and we are all his children.
Line: Who art in heaven Meaning: Even though God is distanced from us, we are still connected.
Line: Hallowed be your name Meaning: The Lord’s name is holy and sacred and should be treated with respect.
Line: Your kingdom come Meaning: Bring the kingdom of heaven closer to us.
Line: Your will be done Meaning: We will do what you expect and command of us on earth.
Line: On earth as it is in Heaven. Meaning: Try to make earth as much like heaven as we can.
Line: Give us this day our daily bread Meaning: Provide us with the things we need to stay healthy.
Line: And forgive us our trespasses. Meaning: Forgive us as we do sometimes lose our way but ask for forgiveness.
Line: As we forgive those who trespass against us. Meaning: We forgive those who sin against the Lord and us.
Line: And lead us not into temptation. Meaning: Help us not to be tempted by others doing wrong and opportunities to sin.
Line: But deliver us from evil. Meaning: Keep us away from evil.
Line: Amen Meaning: It is a plea to God for a response to prayer, an affirmation of what will be done by God, a 'Yes' to God's vision, and a statement of confidence in God.