Goal 1.3 Access, assess, and synthesize information from disparate sources. Bibliography taken from 10 Day Unit entitled “Perspectives of the Civil War’
Bibliography Civil War Facts. Civil War Trust. Class Lecture. Dr. Earp, March 27, Douglas, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas. Frederick Douglas. The History Channel. Growing Up Before They Had To. Historical Scene Investigation. web.wm.educ/hsi Hahn, Mary Downing. Hear the Wind Blow. Leaders of the Civil War. www2.lhric.org Littell, McDougal. Creating America: A History of the United States, Teacher’s Edition. Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the Wind.
The Northern Homefront. US History. Rules of Grammar and Punctuation in Dialogue Writing. Yahoo Answers. Saddleback Educational Publishing. The Civil War: A Graphic Novel. Shaara, Michael. Killer Angels. Slavery in America. The History Channel. Sons of Confederate Veterans. The Southern Homefront. US History. Whipple, Scott. Writing Strategies for U.S. History Classes: A Guide for Teachers. Women in the Civil War. The History Channel. YouTube.