Payment claim administration in Lithuania Conference and Open Discussion about Effective management of EU structural funds 1-2 of February, 2012 A. Stalerunaite, The Ministry of Finance of Lithuania (Managing Authority)
The processes of: Payment claim (PC) preparation and submission → Supporting documents → Verification
Payment Claim 1: the content information on physical and monitoring indicators achieved
Payment claim 2: the content information on the PCs planned to be submitted; financial information (expenditure incurred and list of supporting documents);
Payment claim 3: submission PC shall be submitted every quarter even if no expenditure was incurred !!! Money for the results achieved but not money for money
Payment claim 4: from paper to electronic Filling in Pre-filled template (B): On-line filling Filling in excel Submission (B): Electronic (via DMS) and paper version Registering (IB): Importing all PC data into SFMIS
Supporting documents 1: the extent All expenditure supporting doc. !!! But: Exceptions in ESF (wages, business trips, scholarships, benefits, etc.) - summary statements Indirect expenditure – no doc. Unit costs (in global grant means - wages of scientists) and Lump sums (publicity) - doc. about quantity achieved or activity done
Supporting documents 2: submission Categories of supporting documents: Easier to fill in PC; Move towards the e-form of PC; Submission: List of supporting documents in the PC; Physical submission in paper;
Information System(s) IS for Beneficiaries (B) and Implementing bodies (IB): DMS – (subsystem of SFMIS) for B to prepare and submit PCs SFMIS – IS for IB to receive and verify PCs DMS Public Data Exchange Website SFMIS Structural Funds Monitoring System
IS 1 - DMS
The link of all IS Submission DMS (Beneficiary) SFMIS (Implementing and Intermediate bodies) GBAPS (Treasury) Payment request Message MONEY
Payment claim submission control: !!! Reminders in DMS about next PC (date and sum) according submission schedule
Automatic controls for filling and verification Automatic Checking: DMS – if there is no filling or data mistakes SFMIS – critical mistakes while saving any data (+ button “To check doc.”)
Verification process Checking (IB) according its checklist questions Sample Checks of PC/supporting documents according IB procedures
Future goal To simplify the system so: 1.The B would submit only a part of supporting documents 2.The electronic submission of documents with e-signature would be used 3. The IB would have : –its procedures of Sample Checks –unified Payment claim checklist and could fill it in online
After all the process the Beneficiary gets the money and does many good things for Lithuania! Congratulations!!!