Page 2 How is Sponsored Travel Different From Other Types of Trips? 1. Sponsored travel usually includes the same travel expenses as any other type of travel – domestic or foreign. The difference is the source of payment for these expenses and how the expenses are assigned to the appropriate payment method representing the source. In the case of sponsored travel, one source of funding is a non-Federal organization that has offered to reimburse the NIH for all or part of the trip expenses. In many cases, a second source of funding is the Institute or Center (IC) that has agreed to support some of the supplemental costs of the trip expenses. 2. Because of the different funding sources, the NBS System presents different payment method choices for each expense to include both IC and sponsor options: - IC: GTA; OTHER; Traveler - Sponsor: GTA Reimbursable; Sponsor Reimbursable; Sponsored In-Kind 3. A third difference is the requirement of a special Ethics Clearance. In a non-Federal sponsored travel, all authorizations and subsequent vouchers must have the HHS-348 Form and Ethics Certification Checklist attached. 4. A different Routing path is assigned to all sponsored trips. NIH Delegation of Authority requires an Ethics Officer to review and conditionally approve, and an Executive Officer level to approve non-Federal sponsored travel.
Page 3 Preparing Sponsored Travel – First Steps Searching for Sponsor: Before beginning your sponsored travel document, you may want to check to see if your sponsor is in the system. 1)Go to the 348 Sponsor Lookup link on the Travel Users Community Portal Page: 2)Type your sponsor name into the search screen:
Page 4 Preparing Sponsored Travel – First Steps Searching for Sponsor: Search results… Note: If your sponsor appears but has a source system of Legacy, this indicates that the sponsor is in the ADB but not in the NBS Travel system. A sponsor request form will need to be filled out to add this sponsor to the NBS travel system. If your sponsor appears with a source system of Customer, this means they are currently available in the NBS system.
Page 5 Preparing Sponsored Travel – First Steps Select trip Purpose: Sponsored-Domestic or Sponsored-Foreign Select trip Type:Single Trip Enter Description:Enter pertinent information in first two lines Select trip dates:Day of departure and Return (all inclusive) Departure/Return:Residence or Duty Station Add Per Diem Location(s):One or more – selected by date of arrival & departure from each.
Page 6 Selecting Correct Payment Methods (Cost Options) – IC or Sponsor Add Ticketed Transportation: GTA – IC paying for ticket issued by Omega OTHER – IC paying for ticket purchased by traveler Travel Card – IC paying for ticket purchased with traveler’s Gov.-issued Travel Card GTA Reimbursable – Sponsor reimbursing NIH for ticket issued by Omega Sponsored Reimbursable – Sponsor reimbursing traveler for ticket purchased by traveler Sponsored In-Kind – Sponsor providing ticket to traveler (mailed)
Page 7 Selecting Correct Payment Methods (Cost Options) – IC or Sponsor Enter regular expenses GTA – IC paying for Omega TMC fee OTHER – IC paying traveler’s expense Travel Card – IC paying expense charged on traveler’s Gov.-issued Travel Card GTA Reimbursable – Sponsor reimbursing NIH for Omega TMC fee Sponsored Reimbursable – Sponsor reimbursing NIH for traveler expense Sponsored In-Kind – Sponsor providing service or expense
Page 8 Selecting Correct Payment Methods (Cost Options) – IC or Sponsor Lodging/M&IE allowances Travel Card – IC paying per diem expense charged on traveler’s Gov.-issued Travel Card OTHER – IC paying traveler’s expense Sponsored In-Kind – Sponsor providing per diem expenses Sponsored Reimbursable – Sponsor reimbursing NIH for per diem expense.
Page 9 Selecting Correct Payment Methods (Cost Options) – IC or Sponsor Lodging/M&IE allowances, cont. Select the Options button to change the payment method for lodging Select the Override button to change payment method for M&IE
Page 10 Selecting Correct Payment Methods (Cost Options) – IC or Sponsor Lodging/M&IE allowances, cont. Lodging Cost Option Screen:
Page 11 Selecting Correct Payment Methods (Cost Options) – IC or Sponsor Lodging/M&IE allowances, cont. Select the Override button to change payment method for M&IE Select the Options button to change the payment method for lodging
Page 12 Selecting Correct Payment Methods (Cost Options) – IC or Sponsor Lodging/M&IE allowances, cont. M&IE Cost Option Screens: Select Options button to change M&IE payment method
Page 13 Other Authorizations Select “SPONSORED TRAVEL” and any other authorizations that apply to the trip.
Page 14 Accounting Codes Steps for Selecting Multiple Projects (CANs). From the Accounting Code screen: Using the ‘CHANGE’ > ‘SEARCH’ > ‘All’ navigation… Select two projects – IC Direct and IC Reimbursable Note: IC Direct project may be selected multiple times to apply different OC Codes (Expenditure Type). The Reimbursable project can only be selected one time. EXCEPTION: If you are required to use the same Account (CAN) for both your Direct & Reimbursable expenses, you will need to select the account twice and check only one as the Reimbursable account. For each Project, edit (pencil icon) and select a Task; Expenditure Type (OC); and Expenditure Org (HN). SAVE The Project Screen will now display a box that can be checked to identify the reimbursable project as well as an “Allocate” link for each accounting line.
Page 15 Accounting Codes Steps for Selecting Multiple Projects (CANs), continued…
Page 16 Accounting Codes Allocating Expenses between Accounting Codes – Direct and Reimbursable Allocation Options: -Expense Category- Amount - Date -Expense- Percent In-Kind Expenses are recorded in Totals calculation on bottom of Account Summary Screen and are not included in the allocation process.
Page 17 Accounting Codes Allocating Expenses Between Accounting Codes - Expense Category Screen Select appropriate Account for each expense HINT: Any expense category with an (R) or (S) appended is allocated to the Reimbursable account. Any expense category with an (G) or (O) is allocated to the Direct account.
Page 18 Selecting Sponsors Wildcard (*) search process: i.e. *RED* (all upper case) for American Red Cross Sponsors may display with a complete address. If address field is ‘blank’, use the Edit (pencil) icon to display a list of addresses for the sponsor and select the address that corresponds to the Letter of Invitation. Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate Authority Type.
Page 19 Allocating Reimbursable Expenses Between Multiple Sponsors Only expenses allocated to the Reimbursable Account (CAN) will display on this screen. Allocation Options: - Expense Category - Amount - Date
Page 20 Allocating Reimbursable Expenses Between Multiple Sponsors Separate each expense between sponsors. Step 1: Select the expense you need to allocate Step 2: Distribute the amount between the sponsors
Page 21 Total Details Accurate accounting of all expenses and payment options within each accounting code.
Page 22 Routing Sponsored Travel Minimum requirements Traveler Certification of Ethics Checklist AO Conditional Approval (funding) Ethics Reviewer EO Approver
Page 23 Changes to the Authorization and/or Voucher Authorization - Amend to change Accounting data - Amend to change Expense Category - Amend to change Payment Method - Amend to change Sponsor Voucher - Adjust expenses as necessary within a Payment Method - Enter Lodging rate (even when In-Kind)
Page 24 On-Line Help Additional information and assistance is available through on-line help on the Travel User Community Portal Page:
Page 25 Question/Answer Session