Ophthalmic Payments National User Group Meeting 7 th July 2011
Electronic Links Optix –Accredited for GOS 3, GOS 4, GOS 5 & GOS 6 during February 2011 –Pilot scheduled for 4 th July 2011
Electronic Links Ocuco –Accredited for GOS 3 in March 2011 –Accredited for GOS 4 in April 2011 –Accredited for GOS 5 in May 2011 –Pilot commenced on 15 th May 2011 for GOS 3, GOS 4 & GOS5 claims
Electronic Links Optisoft –Accredited for GOS 1 in April 2011 –Pilot practice to be confirmed shortly
Electronic Links Activity Details – 285 active stores 205 Specsavers stores 57 practices using the Optix system 19 Vision Express stores use Ocuco 4 Independent (Ocuco & Opticabase) –27 outstanding activation requests –169 stores using automatic process –109 PCT/LHBs over 51 agencies
Electronic Links Claim Volumes –4,214,299 GOS 1 –443 GOS 3 –55 GOS 4 –2 GOS 5 –4 GOS 6
Practice wishing to use links Check for accredited supplier at the practice –If yes, follow usual activation process found on the Bulletin Board –If no, then pass on the URL for the NHS CfH Ophthalmic payments electronic links website & ask the practice to forward it to their system supplier –
Web-based transmissions of GOS forms Ophthalmic User Group (OPUG) to investigate the potential take- up by contractors and agencies, before any commitment to develop Open Exeter as an alternative to the existing electronic claims system
Completed Change Requests 4194 LASCA, Update the Contractor Type 16 th February 4295 BSC Centre, Move the ‘Notes’ field on the pre notification patient screen 17 th February 4215 BSC Centre, Daily Input List reports user option for pagination 23 rd February
Completed Change Requests 3532 Bromley, Patient Search audit report 10 th March 4324 WYCSA, Electronic statements to use multiple address and remove encryption for NHS.NET accounts 17 th March 4329 Kent, Evidence Not Seen Post Payment Checks module can now exclude claims where evidence has been seen 18 th March
Completed Change Requests 4260 LASCA, Batched Enhanced Services screen highlights entries where an expired fee has been selected 8 th April 4259 LASCA, Print Historic Batched and Individual Claims added to the Historic Payments Reports area 14 th April 4389 Hull, PPC to export the patient's surname and forenames as separate fields 12 th May
Completed Change Requests 4237 BSC Centre, Patient eligibility & outcome recorded on WECE & Pears services 18 th May 4257 LASCA, Enhanced Service Patient Statement & Payment Analysis reports include batched enhancement service totals 18 th May 4258 LASCA, Local service description for the 20 Enhanced Service Local types 18 th May
Completed Change Requests 4449 BSC Centre, Patient eligibility & outcome marked as mandatory for Welsh WECE & Pears claims 15 th June 4048 Stafford, BACS transfer for all Levy payment values 16 th June 4313 LASCA, Duplicate claims checks to use first part of patient's forename (switchable) 16 th June
Completed Change Requests 4367 SBS, CRB disclosure number & date added to performer list 22 nd June 4356 BSC Centre, Original date on list added to supplementary list 22 nd June 4492 SBS, Check Voucher and Repair Totals reports now include the number of claims processed 23 rd June
Rejected/Withdrawn Change Requests 4270 ASP, Security Matrix feature for access roles Rejected by OPUG 27 th January 4357 BSC Centre, Automatic check on GOC number Rejected 3 rd May 4421 LASCA Specsavers internal system request Withdrawn 10 th May
Open Change Requests 3815 WYCSABatched GOS3/GOS4 claims (currently in pilot at WYCSA) 4316 BSC Centre Electronic statements to be ‘zipped’ together for each contractor (currently in peer test) 4361 Wolverhampton Electronic input for enhanced service claims 4373 ASPAmend contractor code utility for Pre Notification detail records
Open Change Requests 4402 HullPPC DSS audit reports to include actual payment value(s) 4439 Newcastle Allow multiple fees for batched enhanced service claims 4450 BSC Centre To have one Daily Input List report, to include all claim types 4491 TVPCAUtility to remove unprocessed Pre Notification patient records (currently in peer test) 4499 TVPCAIndicator on Pre Notification Patient records to ensure a re-test code is provided on the subsequent GOS 6
Electronic Statements Setup Sending electronic statements NHS Ophthalmic Decrypt Utility (Version 1.3) Available downloads
Electronic Statements Setup –Sending address Set address for your Payment Authority –Practice address & password Practitioner electronic claims settings Sending payment statements –All statement reports ( option)
Electronic Statements Sending address
Electronic Statements Practice & password
Electronic Statements Sending s
Electronic Statements NHS Ophthalmic Decrypt Utility (Version 1.3) –All electronic statements are encrypted for non NHS.NET accounts –A practice can use our decrypt utility for free but –Agrees to terms & conditions of use
Electronic Statements Available downloads –User guide –FAQs –NHS Ophthalmic Payments Decrypt Utility Overview & file (Version 1.3) –NHS Ophthalmic Payments Decrypt Utility terms & conditions of use
NHS Ophthalmic Decrypt Utility Version 1.3 was released 21 st June 2011 –‘How to’ help has been updated
Sight Test & Domiciliary fees 2011/2012 England –Confirmed no increase in fees –Back pay not required Wales –to be confirmed by Welsh Assembly
On-line Help Most individual screen help has been updated Main on-line help is currently being updated Please refer to on-line help to resolve questions etc