Rajvinder Dhillon Specialist Biomedical Scientist & colposcopist Role of colposcopy Rajvinder Dhillon Specialist Biomedical Scientist & colposcopist
What is colposcopy? “kolpos”-hollow “skopos”- examine 1925 Hinselmann-invented colposcope 1928 Schillers test 1941 Papanicolaou & Traut – cervical smears
Mode of action-solutions Saline- Green filter. Vascular pattern Acetic acid- coagulation of proteins on the cervix Lugols’ iodine- Schillers test. Staining of non-glycogen containing epithelium
Anatomy of cervix
Why refer to colposcopy 3rd inadequate smear mild/moderate/severe/ smear 2 week wait: ?glandular neoplasia/ ?invasive Suspicious cervix Stenosed Os Poor access Unable to locate cervix
Normal cervix
Lax vaginal walls
Cervical polyp
Nabothian cysts
Strawberry cervix (TV)
Suspicious cervix
Colposcopic examination Examine vulva Insert speculum Use green filter Apply acetic acid apply iodine Biopsy Treatment (LLETZ, laser, cold coagulation)
Abnormal cytology
Histological classification
Aceto-white changes Low grade ACW High grade ACW
Iodine positive
Cervical punch biopsy
Excisional biopsy (LLETZ)
Cervix post- treatment
Ca cervix from a HIV patient
FIGO staging 1a1=5mm depth 7mm (microinvasive), 1b1 <4cm, 1b2>4cm, 11b-tumour with parametrium involvement,111-hydronephrosis,1V- involves bladder & rectum.
Conclusion Give patients adequate information in simple terms Inform colposcopists of any history of abuse Encourage compliance with follow-up Refer any suspicious cervix under 2 week wait THANKYOU