Meet Jake and his parents. Click DadJakeMum Jake and his family are Christians and they are looking forward to celebrating the Easter festival. Easter is a time when Christians celebrate the last week of Jesus’ life. Christians are followers of Jesus Christ who lived about 2000 years ago in a country called Palestine. They believe that Jesus was the son of God. Click here and Jake will tell you a little more about what Easter means to his family.
One Sunday, he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Crowds of people came out to cheer and they cut down palm branches and waved them in celebration. Click We remember this happening on Palm Sunday when we go to church and receive a palm cross.
At Easter time, we do lots of fun things! One of my favourite things is the Easter egg hunt. The Easter Bunny hides Easter eggs in the park as a sign of new life. When we find them, we can eat them. Mmm, Yummy! Click