The 3 P's to Perfect Your Pre-Encounter VA/DC HFMA March, 2015
The Problem Double-digit denial rates Cash flow Patient billing responsibility
The Opportunity = 3 Ps In our Process With our Patient Boosting our Payment Pre-Encounter
Highlights Defining the bottom line Centralization of scheduling: the key to success Defining where you are and where you will go Develop and deploying a process Training Tracking, measuring, and evaluating the success
The $6 Million Question TM On a scale of 0 to 10, how well do you communicate your patients’ payment responsibility?
Lesson #1: Define your bottom line. Define why you are implementing a pre-encounter process. What efficiencies do you want to realize?
Here is what your colleagues said Consistency To create efficiencies to promote patient satisfaction and financial accuracy by education patients prior to service To educate the patient, financially and clinically Customer service Reduce errors / streamline and improve the patient experience Pre-financial screening Patient Friendly!! Financial clearance and education Get it right the first time Scheduling Customer service and collection of money Obtain authorization Implement a new program Source: Answers given by attendees of NCHFMA Roundtable Discussion on Pre-Admission Procedures and Best Practices, July, 2012
Bottom Line: 5 Key Elements 1.Cleaner claims 2.Patient payment issues 3.Communication of payment expectations 4.Asking for payment upfront 5.Service excellence
Lesson #2: Centralize Scheduling The foundation of a successful pre- encounter process Scheduling is a patient access function One calendar One location Everyone on the same page
Lesson #3: Define where you are and where you need to go Rate your responses on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 = extremely poor; 10 = extremely well. ____ Overall, how would you rate your pre-encounter program? ____ How would you rate the information you get from patients? ____ How would you rate your clean claims? ____ How would you rate your scheduling software? ____ How would you rate your scheduling process? ____ How would you rate your insurance eligibility capabilities? ____ How would you rate your ability to estimate charges? ____ How would you rate your ability to refer uninsured patients to their payment options? ____How would you rate your current collection policies and procedures?
Lesson #4: Develop and Deploy a Process Act Centralize scheduling Secure technology Establish a plan and timelines Complete buy-in
Lesson #5: Train, Inspire, Create Create passion Ask for money Create service excellence Communicate expectations
Lesson #6: Track, Measure, and Celebrate the Success Reduction in AR days Increase in clean claims Increase in point of service collection Increase in patient satisfaction scores
A Successful Process Denial Rates Cash Flow An all new process
Results Reduction of denials to 5.8% from 10% Pre-Service collections at $400,000 average of $133,000 per month
Summary Questions Where are you in this process? What is your biggest obstacle? What are your failures? What are your successes?
If you put in place just a few of these ideas… How well could you communicate your patients’ payment responsibility?
John Cook Contact Information (Cell)
E Book: The Six Million Dollar Question How to reduce denial rates, improve patient satisfaction and increase cash flow.