Chapter 10 Section 1 Scientific Revolution
A Revolution in Astronomy The Ptolemaic System Ptolemaic System- a model of the universe –Geocentric-place Earth as the center of the universe –Series of concentric spheres. –The Earth is stationary in the center –Made out of transparent spheres that were orbs of light –The 10th sphere is the Prime mover that moved itself and gave motion to all the other spheres –Beyond that was Heaven where God and the saved souls lived, he believed that humans controlled everything but their purpose was to achieve salvation
Copernicus and Kepler Nicholas Copernicus published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres –Heliocentric-sun-centered –Sun was the center of the universe and the planets move around it –The moon revolved around the Earth –Days were created by the Earth moving around on its axis and the journey around the Sun was one year.
Johannes Kepler –Used a heliocentric way of looking at things –Discovered that the planets don’t move in a circle it is elliptical
Galileo Galileo Galilei The Starry of Messenger 1610 Taught Mathematics; was the first person to use a telescope regularly Discovered Mountains on the Moon, four Moons of Jupiter and sunspots Found that the different planets were made of material substance like Earth Catholic Church ordered him to abandon his findings because it threatened what they believed in and went against the Bible, said humans were no longer the center of the universe and God no longer had a specific place
Newton Isaac Newton 1642 studied and became a professor of Mathematics at Cambridge Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy or Principia Defined three laws of motion Universal Law of Gravitation: Explains why planets do not go off in straight lines but instead continue in elliptical orbits about the Sun; gravity
Breakthroughs in Medicine and Chemistry Medicine was based off of the study of animals---not accurate at all 1543 On the Fabric of the Human Body Andreas Vesalius showed what he learned using human dissection Showed an accurate examination of organs and general structure of the human body Two kinds of blood flowed through the human body On the Motion of the Heart and Blood 1628 showed the heart was responsible for circulation and it was the same blood that flowed through the body in a circuit Robert Boyle first scientist to conduct controlled experiments Antoine Lavoister invented the system of naming elements
Descartes and Reason Rene Descartes- Discourse on Method 1637 “I think, therefore I am” he existed His own mind was important and he would accept on things that his reason said was true “the mind can not be doubted but the body and material world can, the two must be radically different” separation of mind and matter Showed that matter was dead or inert (something that was detached from themselves and could not be investigated independently by reason Rationalism-system of thought is based on the belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge
Scientific Method Scientific Method- systematic, procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence Francis Bacon implemented it Inductive Reasoning- scientists should proceed from the particular to the general system to test a hypotheses