East Portland In Motion covers all of Portland east of 82 nd Avenue. This represents 28% of the city’s population and 23% of its land area. East Portland is home to over 153,000 people – similar to the populations of Eugene or Salem, which are Oregon’s second and third largest cities, respectively. East Portland has added over 12,000 residents and over 5,000 housing units since 2000, and has been growing faster than the city as a whole. East Portland Today QUICK FACTS Children and seniors are generally more reliant on walking and taking transit than working-age adults, so seeing where these age groups live is important when considering transportation investments. More than a quarter of East Portland’s residents are children (age 0-17), compared to only a fifth of residents citywide. In a more telling statistic, nearly 40% of Portland’s K- 12 students live in East Portland. Lents and Centennial neighborhoods have particularly high concentrations of children. One third of the city’s seniors (age 65+) live in East Portland. Seniors are particularly prevalent near the 102 nd Avenue MAX station, where several senior living facilities are located, and in the mid-century Russell and Wilkes neighborhoods. AGE City of Portland East Portland GETTING AROUND A significantly smaller percentage of people use active transportation modes (walking, biking and taking transit) when commuting from East Portland, compared to the city as a whole: 13% in East Portland, versus 23% citywide. A major goal of East Portland In Motion is to plan improvements that will make it safer and easier to participate in active transportation. Households without access to a vehicle represent under 5% of East Portland households, versus 7% citywide. However, significant concentrations of zero- car households are found along the MAX Blue Line, including several assisted living facilities and public housing communities. 2 Portland east of 82 nd Avenue has: 153,783 people 56,720 households 58,000 jobs 34 square miles 16 neighborhoods 6 school districts Identifying concentrations of population and jobs is one step in determining where transportation investments may benefit the most people. The most densely populated neighborhoods in East Portland are Montavilla, Lents, Glenfair and Powellhurst-Gilbert – areas also served by high-frequency transit. Major concentrations of jobs are found in Gateway Regional Center, where medical and professional offices dominate, and in the Columbia Corridor, where industrial jobs are more common. Population Concentrations: 1) Montavilla 2) Glenfair 3) Powellhurst-Gilbert 4) Lents Town Center Employment Concentrations: 5) Columbia Corridor 6) Gateway Regional Center BUILT ENVIRONMENT The information on this board is derived from the American Community Survey Five-Year Estimates from the US Census Bureau, and shown by census tract, except for employment information, which comes from Metro and is shown by traffic analysis zone. % of population Share of people in East Portland vs. rest of Portland Children (age 0-17) K-12 students Area Seniors (age 65+) Total population % of population that are… POVERTY The poverty rate – the percentage of people whose average income is below the federally-determined poverty line – is 18.4% in East Portland, several points higher than the citywide rate of 16.1%. Powellhurst- Gilbert, Lents and Glenfair all have with poverty rates above 20% LANGUAGE A quarter of East Portland residents do not speak English as their primary language (in all of Portland, that number is 17%). Spanish is the single most common foreign language in East Portland, though a similar number of people speak one of several Asian or Pacific Island languages. Nearly 40% of Portland’s schoolchildren live in East Portland. 13% of East Portlanders walk, bike or take transit to work or school, versus 23% citywide. East Portland has almost as many residents as Salem or Eugene. East Portland In Motion A Five-Year Implementation Strategy for Active Transportation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>