Jupiter Shirley Mrs. Bradley 3 rd Grade
Jupiter Distance from the sun: 483 million miles Distance from the sun: 483 million miles Rotation (1 day): Rotation (1 day): 9 hours, 54 minutes 9 hours, 54 minutes Revolution (1 year): 11.9 Earth years Revolution (1 year): 11.9 Earth years
Jupiter Planet diameter: Planet diameter: 88, 793 miles 88, 793 miles Gas or rock planet? Gas planet Gas or rock planet? Gas planet How many moons and/or rings? 16 moons and 1 ring How many moons and/or rings? 16 moons and 1 ring
Jupiter Atmosphere: Made up of swirling gases Atmosphere: Made up of swirling gases Temperature: -186°F Temperature: -186°F
Jupiter Interesting Facts: 1. Jupiter is made up of gases. 2. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System! 3. Jupiter has 1 ring.
Bibliography Book Titles: A True Book Jupiter, by Larry Dane A True Book Jupiter, by Larry Dane Brimner Brimner Website Titles: The Nine Planets The Nine Planets Star Child Star Child Enchanted Learning Enchanted Learning Kids Astronomy Kids Astronomy