FY 2014 Service Area Competition-Additional Area Funding Opportunity Announcement HRSA Objective Review Committee SAC-AA Technical Assistance (TA) page:
Reviewer Scoring Guidance Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) HRSA Scoring Rubric FOA Side-by-Side (Program Narrative/Review Criteria) 2
Overview The Service Area Competition-Additional Area (SAC-AA) is announced when service areas become available for competition after the annual fiscal year. The announcement provides funding for the provision of comprehensive primary health care services to underserved and/or special populations. Three types of applicants: 1.Current grantees applying to continue serving their current service area 2.New applicants 3.Current grantees applying to serve a new service area Project Period: The maximum project period is now 3 years 3
Target Populations by Funding Type Community Health Centers (CHC, section 330(e)): target population is underserved individuals Migrant Health Centers (MHC, section 330(g)): target population is migratory and seasonal agricultural workers Health Care for the Homeless (HCH, section 330(h)): target population is homeless individuals and families Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC, section 330(i)): target population is residents of, and individuals living immediately adjacent to, public housing 4
Eligibility Requirements Applicants must: 1.Be public or nonprofit private entities that propose to serve a service area and its associated population(s) and patients identified in Table 6 of the FOA. 2.Propose on Form 1A to serve at least an equivalent number of patients by the end of the project period as listed in Table 6 of the FOA. 3.Propose on Form 5B the service area zip codes from which at least 75 percent of the current patients come. 4.Request no more than the current level of support being provided to the service area, and request all funding types that currently support the service area in the same proportion at which they were announced. 5
Service Area & Project Funding City (Grantee’s Administrative Site Location) State HCH Funding Total Funding PortlandME$678,433 6
Program Narrative & Review Criteria Program Narrative/Review Criteria Need (15 points) Response (20 points) Collaboration (10 points) Evaluative Measures (15 points) Resources/Capabilities (20 points) Governance (10 points) Support Requested (10 points) 7
Program Narrative Resources Need Form 9: Need for Assistance Worksheet Response Form 2: Staffing Profile Forms 5A, 5B, and 5C: Services, Sites, and Other Activities/Locations Form 8: Health Center Agreements Attachment 7: Summary of Contracts and Agreements (if applicable) Attachment 11: Sliding Fee Discount Schedule 8
Program Narrative Resources Collaboration Attached letters of support Letters should describe collaboration with other providers Applicants should PROVIDE letters of support from the following organizations in the service area: FQHCs (both 330 grantees and look-alikes), rural health clinics, critical access hospitals, and health departments The applicant MUST document/explain why the required letters were not included Evaluative Measures Clinical and Financial Performance Measures 9
Program Narrative Resources Resources/Capabilities Attachment 2: Corporate Bylaws Attachment 3: Organizational Chart Attachments 4 & 5: Position Descriptions/Biographical Sketches Attachment 6: Co-Applicant Agreement (if applicable) Attachment 7: Summary of Contracts and Agreements (if applicable) Attachment 8: Audit or Financial Documentation Attachment 13: Floor Plans 10
Program Narrative Resources Governance Attachment 2: Corporate Bylaws Attachment 6: Co-Applicant Agreement (if applicable) Attachment 9: Articles of Incorporation Form 4: Community Characteristics Form 6A: Current Board Member Characteristics Support Requested SF-424A: Budget Information Non-Construction Programs Federal Object Class Categories Form Budget Justification Form 1A: General Information Worksheet Form 2: Staffing Profile Form 3: Income Analysis 11
Budget Justification The budget justification should correspond to the object class categories as listed on the Federal Object Class Categories form. It should include a line-item budget (Federal and non-Federal) and any narrative required to explain costs and demonstrate that costs are reasonable and necessary for implementation of the proposed project. Federal funds may not be used to pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of $179,
Final Reminders SAC-AA TA Website: Reference the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Scores should be an accurate reflection of the SAC-AA application and in conjunction with the review criteria Strengths and weaknesses should be based on the review criteria in the FOA 13