Frazer Underwood Consultant Nurse for Older Peoples Services Associate Director of Nursing Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Assessment Units for Older People
What older people are we looking for? Care home admission deflections Selected long-term conditions Complex co-morbidity ‘Step-up’…but not step over the front door Day hospital assessment candidates ‘Sub-acute’ cases The Very Frail
“The debate has centred on whether frailty should be defined purely in terms of biomedical factors or whether psychosocial factors should be included” Lally, F and Crome, P (2007) Understanding Frailty. Post Graduate Medical Journal. 83 pp16-20 What‘s frailty?
THREE OR MORE:TWO OR MORE Unintentional weight loss Self-reporting exhaustion Weakness (reduced grip strength) Slow walking speed Low physical activity Fried LP, Tangen CM, Walston J, Newman AB, Hirsch C, Gottdiener J, Seeman T, Tracy R, Kop WJ, Burke G, McBurnie MA; Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative Research Group. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci Mar;56(3):M Inability to perform one or more ADL in three days before admission Stroke in prev. three months Depression Dementia History of falls One or more unplanned admission in prev. three months Difficulty walking Malnutrition Prolonged bed rest Incontinence BGS 2010 (Best Practice Guide 3.5)
Kings' A&E over 75 risk assessment Waterlow (+ neurological deficit, mobility pre A&E, trauma and pre existing medical conditions inc. Clinical dehydration) Davies-Gray M (2003) Nurse led fast track for vulnerable older people. Emergency Nurse 11(5). pp34-38 Finding the frail
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment BGS (2005) Comprehensive Assessment of the Frail Older Person in Hospital.BGS Website Compendium 3.5 BGS (2010) Comprehensive Assessment of the Frail Older Person. BGS website Ellis, G and Langhorn, P. (2005) Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Older Hospital Patients. British Medical Bulletin. 71. pp Assessing the frail
Multi-factorial Inter- professional Assessment Frail Older Person TriageTrajectory Transfer Diagnostics Treatment initiation Liaison Negotiation Plan Co-ordination Communication ACUTECAREACUTECARE COMMUNITYCARECOMMUNITYCARE Wrapping the system around…
Unit set-up and evaluation Criteria Over 70 years old plus one of the following: Presence of delirium or dementia (AMTS) Fracture as presenting problem but medically unstable (not NOF) Care home resident ED frailty score ≥ 25 (Waterlow+) University Hospitals of Leicester Frailty Unit
Unit set-up Single front door = shrinking MAU bed base (OPAL Unit on MAU ward template) Establishing bed base from ED and MAU frailty data – Frailty Tool (Waterlow+) (19 beds and ALOS = 72 hours) One geriatrician on unit 7/7 (plus 0.5 for OPAL Team 5/7) Specialist nursing and AHP team on unit Royal Cornwall Hospitals OPAL Unit Frail Older Person’s Rescue Service
Triage Transfer Trajectory Frailty Unit OPAL Unit Frail Older Person’s Rescue Service