CERC Update CRA Process to Date and Plan Development September18, 2014
Review progress to date on CRA Discuss approach to: –Public Outreach –RFP / site selections Meeting Outcomes
CAC Process to Date Create a vibrant mixed use area Create an extraordinary pedestrian environment Guiding Principles CAC-led scenario development process “Green connections” and “Central Park” Design Concepts Used scenarios to quantify costs and benefits. Benefits and Costs Analysis Determine public engagement process Site selection RFP process? CRA Plan
Decisions to Date Governance Boundary Properties of Interest Approach to Condemnation
Approach to Condemnation Before the City uses condemnation for any property or building, it will: Meet the statutory definition of health and safety blight Have been vacant and economically unproductive for a period of five years or longer
Properties of Interest Reliable Steel Former Health Department Property Former Thurston County Housing Authority Capitol Center Griswald’s (4 th Avenue)
What Does Intervention Look Like Going Forward? Public EngagementShared Vision Shared Priorities for Investment Tools (Public, Private) Public and Private Investment
What is the process for engaging the broader public and communicating work done so far? How would an RFP process work? What sites are to be included in the plan? When should the plan be drafted? Questions to resolve
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