Naval Inventory Control Point 1 Identifying Capability Gaps and Funding Opportunities Presented To: Navy Packaging Board Presented By: Raymond Chin, Container Design Engineer Naval Inventory Control Point April 23, 2009
Naval Inventory Control Point 2 Introduction Packaging & Interface Technology Upgrades Identify Process to Document Capability Gaps Gather Concepts to Address Gaps Match Ideas with Requirements
Naval Inventory Control Point 3 Data Calls / Solicitations ONR Technology Transition Programs Rapid Technology Transition (RTT) -Provides bridge funds to transition new and emerging technologies into established programs of record. Technology Insertion Program for Savings (TIPS) -Reduce operations and support (O&S) costs of naval systems and platforms through the transition of new and innovative technologies (strong cost avoidance). Technology Transition Initiative (TTI) -Accelerates introduction of new technologies into operational capabilities for the armed forces, administered by OSD. Seabasing Future Naval Capabilities (FNC) -Technologies that benefit seabasing (warfighting capabilities sustained from the sea without reliance on shore facilities) USTRANSCOM Joint Deployment Distribution Enterprise (JDDE) Technology -Addresses operational challenges and capability gaps through RDT&E.
Naval Inventory Control Point 4 Data Calls / Solicitations (cont.) NAVSUP Technology Programs Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) -Use small, socially or economically disadvantaged businesses to meet R&D needs related to technological innovations. Small Business Technology Transfer (SBTT) -Similar to SBIR, but requires the small business to have a research partner consisting of a University, Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), or a qualified non-profit research institution. NAVSUP Capability Gaps and Initiatives -Initiatives aimed at addressing NAVSUP’s performance shortfalls or deficiencies. Material Readiness & Logistics (N4) Energy and Environment Related Project Call (Due April 29) -Opportunity to obtain R&D funds for energy/environment related projects (e.g. facility improvements, alternative power, reduced food waste packaging)
Naval Inventory Control Point 5 Packaging Related Capability Gaps List of Examples -Ineffective tools for container environmental management result in material damaged/degraded in storage/transit -Loss of item visibility & accountability -Lack of capabilities & integration to provide operational logistics support -Unrecyclable / Non-recycled waste -Supply services’ pollution
Naval Inventory Control Point 6 Submittals List of Examples -Marine Biodegradable Plastics -Multi-Metal VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) -Long Life Desiccant -Dynamic Dehumidification Process -Pallet Transformation -Alternate Materials for Reusable Containers -RFID Antenna Advances
Naval Inventory Control Point 7 What can we do better? Stakeholder Input Business Process Improvements Use TARP as a resource -Identify process or technical issues -Document special interest items
Naval Inventory Control Point 8 Way Ahead Maintain Running List of Ideas Standardize Template for Submitting Ideas Utilize PHS&T Community of Practice Maintain Relationship with NAVSUP CSA Submit Recommendations to NPB
Naval Inventory Control Point 9 Backup Slides
Naval Inventory Control Point 10 Capability Gaps & Initiatives Capability Gaps identify a performance deficiency (state a problem) e.g., Current methodologies for protecting large quantities of high cost assets in storage or shipment are costly and occasionally ineffective, leading to damage or degradation of the “protected” assets. Initiatives respond to a Capability Gap (help solve a problem) e.g., Environmental sensors to monitor material in storage and in transit to proactively warn if protection is breached. Specific capabilities are required to mitigate humidity and temperature. Align our efforts to solve the top problems Limited resources must be applied judiciously Communicate our problems to stimulate innovative & alternative initiatives/solutions Can someone in NAVSUP help, but is not aware of the problem? Can someone outside of NAVSUP help?
Naval Inventory Control Point 11 Two Step process: 1.Generate capability gap list Solicit capability gap inputs from NAVSUP Enterprise Review & approve capability gaps 2.Allocate discretionary R&D resources Solicit initiative inputs that respond to capability gaps from NAVSUP Enterprise Prioritize initiatives & allocate resources ESG Annual Duty
Naval Inventory Control Point Capability Gaps recommended Aligned to 3 CDR’s Guidance focus areas: Global Logistics Support (5) Sailor & Family Support (2) Alignment (6) 1 additional Capability Gap proposed for Log R&D ESG consideration Could be aligned to Global Logistics Support This Year’s Capability Gap Inputs
Naval Inventory Control Point 13 Global Logistics SupportSailor & Family SupportAlignment 1.1 Invalid/Incomplete/Non-Integrated Technical Data 1.2 Non-Conforming Items in the Supply Chain 1.3 Material Damaged/Degraded in Storage/Transit 1.4 Transportation Issues 1.5 Automatic identification data capture tools supporting TAV/ITV/automated loadout and inventory accountability This Year’s Capability Gap Inputs 2.1 Inadequate Uniforms/Protective Clothing and Associated Design & Issue Processes 2.2 QOL services cost reduction & modernization 4.1 Optimally Manned Ships Require Reductions in Shipboard Workload 4.2 Improved MHE supporting ship loadouts 4.3 Solid waste management 4.4 Inefficient Supply Chain Procedures Supporting Requirements Determination and Workload Planning 4.5 Customer Relationship Management 4.6 Lack of reliable, affordable and available components supporting weapons system 1.6 Supply Chain Threats 13 Recommended Capability Gaps: 1 Additional Capability Gap for Consideration:
Naval Inventory Control Point 14 Capability Gap Summary – 1.1
Naval Inventory Control Point 15 Capability Gap Summary – 1.3
Naval Inventory Control Point 16 Capability Gap Summary – 4.2
Naval Inventory Control Point 17 Capability Gap Summary – 4.3
Naval Inventory Control Point 18 Capability Gap Summary – 4.5
Naval Inventory Control Point 19 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS BENEFITS/METRICS Project Title (Quad Chart for N4 Energy/Environment Project Call) DESCRIPTION What’s the problem that needs solving? Proposed solution FY11FY12FY13FY14FY15 $X RDT&E: Project Picture POC Info: xxxxxxxxx Energy efficiency, pollution/waste reduction… Applicability to other commodities, other Services…