Arithmetic Building Blocks
A Generic Digital Processor
Building Blocks for Digital Architectures Arithmetic unit - Bit-sliced datapath ( adder , multiplier, shifter, comparator, etc.) Memory - RAM, ROM, Buffers, Shift registers Control - Finite state machine (PLA, random logic.) - Counters Interconnect - Switches - Arbiters - Bus
Bit-Sliced Design
Funnel Shifter
The Binary Adder
Express Sum and Carry as a function of P, G, D
The Ripple-Carry Adder
Complimentary Static CMOS Full Adder
Inversion Property
Minimize Critical Path by Reducing Inverting Stages
The better structure: the Mirror Adder
The Mirror Adder The NMOS and PMOS chains are completely symmetrical. This guarantees identical rising and falling transitions if the NMOS and PMOS devices are properly sized. A maximum of two series transistors can be observed in the carry- generation circuitry. When laying out the cell, the most critical issue is the minimization of the capacitance at node Co. The reduction of the diffusion capacitances is particularly important. The capacitance at node Co is composed of four diffusion capacitances, two internal gate capacitances, and six gate capacitances in the connecting adder cell . The transistors connected to Ci are placed closest to the output. Only the transistors in the carry stage have to be optimized for optimal speed. All transistors in the sum stage can be minimal size.
Single-Bit Addition Half Adder Full Adder For the Sum Sk Cout S 1 Ak Bk Ck-1 Ck Sk 1 For the Sum Sk If Ak=Bk then Sk=Ck-1 else Sk=Ck-1 For the carry If Ak=Bk then Ck=Ak=Bk else Ck=Ck-1
MUX (NMOS Pass transistor) based Adder
MUX (CMOS Pass gate) based Adder
MUX (CMOS Pass gate) based Adder with Buffer
Leaf Cell (Multiplexer cell with or without cut)
Implementing ALU Function with an Adder Sk=HkCk-1 + HkCk-1 Ck=AkBk+HkCk-1 Hk=AkBk +AkBk
Carry Select Adder For a n-bit ripple carry adder, Completion time T=k1n, where k1 is delay through one adder cell. For Carry select adder the completion time T=Pk1 + (M-1)k2, Where the n-bit adder is divided in M blocks and each block contain P adder cell and k2 is the delay through the multiplexer. Mopt=(nk1/k2)
Carry Skip Adder
Carry Skip Adder
Carry Skip Adder Worst case carry propagation for carry skip addeer The total (worst case) propagation delay time T is given by T=2Pk1 + (M-2)k2 Mopt=(2nk1/k2)
Carry Look Ahead Adder
Carry Look Ahead Adder
The Array Multiplier X3 X2 X1 X0 Y0 X3 X2 X1 X0
The MxN Array Multiplier — Critical Path
Carry-Save Multiplier